Chapter 16 / Wish You Back

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Han's POV

I could feel it as we fell.. The warmth leaving her body. It started from her waist before it creeped to her face until her whole body was draped in a freezing cold. I opened my eyes before we hit the end of the fall just to look at her one last time. Though, the Angel appears out of thin air behind her. They gracefully take her cold body away from my grasp leaving me to fall alone . I try to reach out, but my body hits the palm of the demon's hand. The Angel stays for a bit just to watch me. I lock eyes with the being as the claws of the demon wrap around my torso and pulls me down.

Everything goes black slowly like my vision was being covered in black murky water. The last thing I was able to see from that world was those golden eyes and the last feeling I had was anger.

Eventually, I woke up in a state of panic as pain shoots through my body. The torture before I was to reach the end of this life had just began. However, no demon stood before me. They scattered else where. How weird. I look down at my body to see I was covered in blood from head to toe. No wonder I was in so much pain. I guess I'm suffering the consequences of falling off a 20 story building even dead.


Many souls cried out. Though none of the demons carried empathy and continued on. This place was extremely ominous. Yet it was not as dark as the abyss they would drag people down in. This place was dimly lit from soft blue fires that were placed every five meters. And there was no sky. Just a pitch black pool of nothing that met with black dirt that had the consistency of sand.

"I don't want to stay here.." I whispered to myself.

"The end is forward.." Says a random soul who was being mauled by a demon with a face of a gorilla.


"Forward." They say monotonous as if they had been enduring this pain for years.

"But what is behind us?"

"Gate.. too far... Go forward.."

A gate? I was curious about this. What other gate was there behind us? And how far was it really? I look back at the many fires and many demons with terrified souls. Without much to really loose, I walked behind me. That soul reaches a hand out and screamed things like "NO."

Though I didn't listen to a word that came out of their mouth for I wanted to do anything else than live in a world without Y/n. I barely walked a football field out from where I was placed and a more clear and cheeky voice calls out to me.

"Oh, your back again.. Why don't you just give up and join us here? Trying to get back The One's mercy and love isn't worth it.."

"I want to see her again."

"That one is new.." The voice gets closer until it was heard walking beside me.

"New?" I stopped to look over my shoulder. Immediately, anger flows through me seeing the appearance of the voice. The being resembled the angel that took Y/n. Except he had four wings and his body was rusty looking. Not only that, but his eyes were unnaturally green.

"Now that I think about it, your whole presence is new. For instance, last time the demons tore you apart. It was a nasty sight. Took you 100 human years to make it to the main gate. Guess you have had a change of heart about joining us.."

I sighed into a growl, "I have no idea what is going on but you look like the angel that took Y/n. Its pissing me off just looking at you."

"I see." The angel then begins to morph in a disturbing way. Their bones cracked, flesh twisted, and the angel's insides ripped sounding like a hand in slime. The angel changes its appearance into a boy around my age. A boy whose hair was a pretty blonde and face like a model. Though the boy's eyes still shone that unnatural green.

Beauty In Death | Han Jisung ✅Where stories live. Discover now