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yelena was out on a mission. you didn't know when she would get home but you knew it was tonight. you were at on the couch watching some 90s sitcom when you heard the door being messed with. you looked over and saw the handle turn. you knew it was yelena, since her and one other had keys. yelena walked in the door, then turned around shutting and locking the door. she put her bag on the floor with a sigh.

you got up and walked towards her. "hey babe" you said kissing her lips. she held you close not letting you go. you both stayed like this till she pulled away. "hi." she said back. you could tell she was exhausted. "you ok babe, you look exhausted." you said placing your hands on her face. she leaned into your touch. "yea it was just a lot." she said practically falling into you. "how about you to take a shower and get cleaned up. i'll be right here the whole time." you said to the blonde as held her in yours arms.
"yea, that's sounds good." yelena sighed in between the sentence.

you both walked to the bedroom, yelena still wrapped around your body. you were dragging her to the room and giggles at her childish antics. you placed her on the bed, "you sure your ok babe." you said walking over to the dresser grabbing her new clothes. "yea i'm fine, just really tired." she said slowly sitting up off the bed. "ok well you shower. i will be on the couch." you said as you gave yelena the clothes and slowly walked away. "nooooo, don't leave." yelena said grabbing your waist pulling you back. you stood in between yelena's legs and placed your hands on her shoulders, rubbing a little circles on them . yelena hummed into the feeling. "don't leave me please." yelena said looking up at you. "babe you need to shower and get changed." you said looking back at her. "shower with me?" she said with a grin.

you couldn't say no to her, her grin, her eyes. you couldn't do it. "fine but only because you look so cute." you said leaning down kissing her lips.

she smiled wildly at your answer. you walked away from your place in between her legs and pulled her along to the bathroom with you.

you turned the shower on and made it the perfect temperature. yelena was leaning against the sink starting at you as if she was waiting for something. "what?" you said as she was just standing there staring at you. "are you going to help me?" she asked like you were the one in the wrong. "help you with what?" you asked equally as confused. "with changing." she said like what you were doing, not helpping her was wrong. "yel you are fully capable of taking your clothes off." you said as your removed your shirt. "yes but youre just gentle and i don't wanna to it." yelena whined at you. you just sighed at this. "ok fine come here." you said pulling her by the shirt.

you gently removed yelenas clothes rubbing by and kissing on places, trying to relax her. yelena humming when ever it felt good. "ok get in you big baby." you told her before removing the rest of your clothes.

"i am not a big baby." yelena said in defense to your words. you scoffed at this "ok baby whatever you say." you said rolling your eyes before grabbing the shampoo. "if i'm a big baby then how am i a superhero." she asking trying to prove a point. "that i do not understand why." you said back. yelena taking defense in this and mumbling something under her breath. you smiled at her antics before pour soap onto your a washcloth and slowly rubbing all the marks off yelena's body. she relaxed even more to this leaving back into you.

after the very long shower, you two walked back into your shared room to grab clothes. you pulled out two hoodies and shorts for you and yelena. you were about to walk over to her to hand her the clothes, before she stopped you. "i don't that one." referring to the hoodie in your hand. "why it's yours?" you asked confused. "cause i want one of yours." "ok well fine i'll wear this one and you can have mine." you said changing out one of the hoodies with one of yours. once you had what you need you walked over to yelena handing her the clothes.

once you two were fully ready for bed, yelena already being half asleep as you got in. yelena pulling you in closer to her laying her head on your chest. you smiled at her move, rubbing her back as she slept. "you really are a big baby." you said to her. she didn't say anything back. she just scooted incredible closer to you as she could get.

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