widows pt.3

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the three of you get ready for this adventure your about to partake in. natasha gave you a whole run down of the plan. you were going to try and find the widows, yelena was getting any extra antidote, and nat was going to get dreykov. she said if she isn't out in 20 minutes to come get her. you both agreed to the plan. "here y/n, you and i are going to have an ear piece, please don't break it." yelena said as she gave you the box. the three of you walked off to go get ready.

you and yelena were getting changed into your suit when yelena said something. "y/n ik we're gonna be together for the majority of this mission but please be safe." yelena said wit a lot of concern in her voice. yelena was rarely showing emotion, but when she did you rly liked it. you liked when she put her guard down and showed you the vulnerable side of her. "yea lena ik, this is why we have ear pieces." you said back to her. "yea ik that, but i rly care abt you and i don't wanna see you hurt." yelena turned to you faced you. "yes lena. i promise i won't get hurt." you turned to her and put your arms around her neck. "thank you." she said back to you while she wrapped her arms around your waist.

you stared each other for a while, slowly getting closer. "ok let-s... go." nat said as she waking in to the room you were both in. you both quickly backed off eachother and stood up straight. "ok does everyone know the plan." yelena said trying to pretend nothing just happened. "yes, so y/n get the widows and bring them to yelena, yelena get rest of the antidote, and i will get dreykov." nat said explaining the plan again. "here. sry nat this is my only one." you said waking over to the desk grabbing your ear piece set and handing one to yelena. she took one and put it in her ear. "ok let's go." nat said walking out of the room, towards the front door.

the three of you got to the red room base, which by that way was in the sky. "ok landing... now." nat said as she landed the plane on the base. the plane was small and looked similar to the other jets so it wasn't a big deal. the three of you got of a went your spreate ways. "be safe dorogoy." yelena said into the com. "ik yelena that's the plan."

you made your way to the main area of the red room trying to find the widows. you went to the training room to find the widows there. they were training wit each other. you watched and remember that this use to be your life, fighting. you could tell which girls were weaker. which girls might not make it. you wanted to tell those girls what there doing wrong. you wanted to help them. thankfully that's what your here to do. you busted into the training room, bolted to wall of grenades, grabbed one and tied the gas to it. before the widows could get to you, you threw it high enough for every widow to be hit by the gas. you back away from the crowd of widows and looked at them all. they looked around, realizing what you just did. "ok, head to the landing strip. there a jet out there. get on it and wait for me to come back." you said as you ran to the door. the widows followed. "widows freed. on my way to you yelena." you said into the com running towards yelena's potition.
"ok well slight change of plans. go to nat." she said back. you immediately started to worry. "is everything ok. i'm coming to you." you said back. "no don't. go to nat." she said, commanding a little more then telling. "ok fine. be safe." you said turning around running towards nat's direction.

you got to where nat was when you heard footsteps around you. you turned around to see three guards around you. one by one you took them down. until one, barely able to stand, stabbed you in the back wit one of there pocket knives. you groaned at the feeling of a knife lodged in your back. you turned around quickly, taking down the guard as best as you could. "are you ok dorogoy?" yelena said into the coms. "yep just a slight knife to the back, nothing to bad." you said getting back on your feet. "i'm coming to you." yelena said back. "no. no, get the gas first then come to me." you said back to her. "ok fine, be extremely careful then. get to natasha." yelena said in a quite serious tone.

you got to where nat was. she had a bloody nose and dreykov was on the floor unresponsive. she bent down and checked his pulse. "he is dead." she said slowly getting up. out of the corner of your eye you saw something move. you turned around to see the taskmaster. "uhh nat, we got a problem." you said slowly backing up. "well, there is one way." nat said standing next to you now, pointing to the gas in your hand. you looked down and you both ran to the taskmaster. nat jumping in their shoulders and having their arm to take the helmet off. you putting there other hand behind their back. once the helmet was off you immediately shot the gas at them. nat got off and you back up. "antonia?" nat said wit a question in her voice. you started at the girl in front of us. "who?" you asked even more confused. "antonia, dreykov's daughter. i-i thought i killed her." nat said looking down the the girl laying in front of us. "is he gone?" she said slowly moving. "yes, he is." nat said getting on the girl's level.
nat helped antonia up and yelena came in.

you started to get lightheaded since there was still a knife lodged in your back. yelena caught you as you stumbled, "on the count of three... one, two." she said. "owww." you exclaimed from the pain of the knife getting pulled from your back. "ok let's go. the widows are in the jet. the bombs are going to go off soon. we need to get out of here." yelena said dragging you out of the door, while nat helped antonia.

you got to the jet and yelena laid you on the seats. "stay wit me princesa. just wait a little longer." yelena said holding your face wit her hands. "i-i am just going to take a nap." you said falling in and out of consciousness. yelena did the only think to keep you awake she could think off. she kissed you. her soft, plump lips surprised you. you woke up and kissed back barely enough to show her your not dead. she broke away so you could breath. "well if that's all it took for you to kiss me i would of almost died sooner." you said. yelena held your face again. "dorogoy if you die. i don't know what i would do wit my self." she said and you smiled at her.

nat landed the jet and all the widow walked off into the field which had a small safe house on it. nat followed behind the widows, while you leaned on yelena's side. " you guys are free to go, go make your own choices." nat said the widows looked around and soon they all broke off. there was only the taskmaster left. "you, you can leave too." nat said to antonia with the sounds worry. "thank you." antonia said to nat before turning around and walking away. "umm i hate to break this moment but i'm in a lot of pain." you said trying to not sound rude. "yes let's go. i have a medical kit in the house." nat said. nat got on your other side and helped you.

the three of you got into the house. it wasn't a far walk but got you it felt like miles. "ok sit. i'm going to get the kit." nat said rushing off to the bathroom. you sat on the chair and yelena helped you take your suit off. "careful baby." yelena said rubbing your shoulder to calm you down. you turned toward her and started at her for the pet name she used. she looked back at you and smiled. you smiled back, just staring into her eyes. "ok- uhh i got the kit." nat said walking over to your back. "uhhh i'm doing it." yelena said grabbing the kit from nat. "uhh ok." nat said backing off. she knew it was useless to fight it.

yelena finished stitching you up and did the same thing you would do to her. "and a kiss to make it feel better." she said, but instead of kissing the bandage she kissed you on the lips. you smiled into the kiss and kissed back. nat cleared her throat and you both broke away. "ok so what's the plan now." nat asked. "i don't know. i guess we're free to now." you stated. "yea live our own lives, without hiding." yelena added. "well you two can stay here until y/n is better." nat added. "ok thank you natasha." yelena added. the evening went on and the three of you just talked about everything and anything. many apologies were said. the three of you were just so happy to be back together. after years on separation this is what you have always wanted again.

last part. im will try and update more but school is coming in a week and i have training daily sooo sryy!!

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