39. You don't want to leave.

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"Oh Markie~" Yuta's voice is heard down the hallway.

Mark had shoved himself between a cabinet and a wall. Very uncomfortable. It made it difficult to breathe but Mark didn't care, all he wanted was peace and quiet and to be left alone but Yuta wanted to play and wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Hey, don't be such a moody-" Mark feels his soul leave his body as Yuta's face appears over him. Mark suddenly curls up and bursts into tears. "Oh stop crying, we weren't even playing hide and seek so I don't see why you're crying like you've just lost" Yuta huffs and Mark glares at him. "Leave me alone... please" He whispers and Yuta looks away, smirking. He sighs.

"Come on~ it's not fair that you always get what you want, I always leave you alone but now that I wanna play- you're being selfish" He huffs, drawing his brows together. "Yuta, please. This isn't fun... these games aren't fucking fun alright? I hate it, I hate 'playing around' with you" He spits. "You're a fucking adult, why are you acting like such a child? grow up and leave me the fuck alone, these games aren't even games, you're torturing me and I've had enough" Mark raises his voice at Yuta who just stares at him with the same look he'd put on 2 minutes ago. "I still think you're being sel-"

"Oh fuck off!" Mark groans. "See? look! there you go! you're acting like a spoiled fucking child! Just accept that I don't wanna play your stupid fucking torture games and grow the fuck up Yuta" He pulls himself up almost headbutting Yuta in the process. Yuta blinks and the two share a moment of silence. "But I'm bo-"

"I AM NOT. YOUR FUCKING MOTHER. YOU ARE AN ADULT. SORT. YOURSELF. OUT" Mark roars before storming out of the room leaving Yuta, who was kneeling on top of the cabinet, alone. Yuta looks to the door that Mark had left through and sighs. That'd pissed him off, big time. He just wanted to have a little fun to relieve some stress because he'd lost out on a kill that he was looking forward to. But unfortunately, the guy did it himself.


Half an hour later and Mark had noticed that Yuta hadn't bothered chasing after him. Maybe he actually listened. Mark smiles softly to himself as he scrolls through his Instagram looking at the adorable puppies on his explore page. He really wanted a puppy, Chenle had a puppy, Daegal. From what he remembered, Renjun had to drop her off at Chenle's parent's house. He didn't know how the news that Chenle was dead was broken to him but he hasn't heard anything from them. Jaemin and Jisung hadn't attempted to contact him which he was quite glad about because he got worried about what Yuta would do to them. But they seem wise now that shit hit the fan.

He takes a refreshing deep breath before his face drops.

"Please don't get pissed off, I'm not here to annoy you" Yuta's quiet voice mutters from the doorway and Mark drags his fed-up eyes to Yuta who looked somewhat timid. "What." Mark huffs. "I don't wanna piss you off but can I chill with you for a bit? I'm lonely" He mumbles and Mark rolls his eyes. "Yeah but quit the childish act cuz that's what pisses me off," He says before going back to his phone. Yuta sits on the sofa with him and a few seconds later, he budges towards him, then again... and again until Yuta was pressed against him. He carefully wraps an arm around Mark before giving a small smile.

"I'm bored" Yuta sighs and Mark just ignores him. "Can we go for a walk?" Yuta asks and Mark throws his head back in annoyance but pauses, narrowing his eyes. "Yeah, fuck it," He says and Yuta smiles.

They both quickly get ready and leave the house, the cold winter wind biting at the warmth of their faces.

"Jeez, it's pretty cold" Mark mumbles and Yuta smiles before pulling something out of his pocket. A pair of gloves. Bought especially for Mark. "Here," Yuta says and Mark tilts his head. "To keep your hands warm," He says and Mark shakes his head. "Nah you keep 'em, I'm alright, I got pockets," Mark shrugs him off. "I know..." Yuta snickers. "Well, put them in your pockets so you don't need to ask for them when your hands do get cold," He says and Mark sighs. "I said I'm alright," He groans and Yuta frowns. "These are for you if that's what you're worried about," Yuta says and Mark sighs, snatching the gloves from Yuta and shoving a glove in each pocket. Yuta shakes his head with a smile.

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