5. It's not fair...

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Mark didn't want to go home as Yuta told him.

He needed to find Johnny and save him from this madhouse.

He couldn't cope with the idea of his friends suffering because of him.

Mark looks around the house for any sign of a basement but groans when he doesn't find one but then he realises, there might be a door down on the outside of the house.

He leaves the front of the house and climbs over the sturdy metal gate, into the back garden. He stares over into the darkness of Yuta's large well-kept back garden in awe before noticing that there was a door connected to the house not far from the back door. The door was an old wooden door that looked like it'd crumble into dust if you even dared to breathe on it, something maybe from the medieval times, y'know? the shabby dark-grey splintered wood of an old medieval peasant's house. Mark reluctantly pulls it open and feels shivers over his body as he looks down into the darkness, feeling a cool wave of air crash over his face. He had to go down there and save his friend even if it cost him his life.

Mark takes a deep breath, stepping into the darkness and closing the door behind him. He places his fingertips of each finger on the wall as he carefully makes his way down the stairs, his eyes shut. He hoped Johnny wasn't in a critical state otherwise he might lose all hope and give up. Mark quickens his speed, his heart beginning to race as the fears of him falling down the steep steps and falling to his death fill his mind but those fears are pushed aside by the important mission of saving Johnny.

How did Johnny even get dragged into this? what did he do? did he find Jaehyun? I hope he got to ring the police before he was captured...

Mark goes to step down another step but feels no step. He moves his hands forward and feels a door, a cold rusty metal door. His hands make it to the handle and he hears a gasp as the handle screeches as it's pushed down. He shoves the stiff, screaming door open before opening his eyes, peering into the dimly lit room. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness.

"J-Johnny?" Mark stammers with a beaming smile and Johnny gasps. "Mark?!" He whispers and Mark rushes up to the man. Johnny had been tied to a chair, his arms and legs tied and had a cloth covering his eyes. He only had his trousers on and his body and face covered in bruises and cuts but luckily none of them were severe. "How did you g-get here?!" He asks and Mark ignores him, pulling the knots in the ropes to free Johnny. "Doesn't matter, let's go" He says softly and Johnny gulps, following Mark up the stairs and out of the basement. He guides him through the house and out of the front door.

Johnny just sighs in relief, Mark seemed to be fine and he himself was still alive. "Bro... what's going on?" Johnny slurs, the fatigue catching up with him. "It's fine, don't worry about it," He says and Johnny groans. "Why won't you tell me anything? I'm... I'm worried about you, since that night you met that guy, everything's gone wrong, you're not yourself anymore and we're all so worried... please Mark, just talk to me" Johnny pleads and Mark just looks up at his friend with pleading eyes. He couldn't make himself speak about it, it was like Yuta had a knife to his throat whenever he wanted to speak out... he couldn't do it, he couldn't even write it, his hand would just freeze. Mark wanted to cry, it hurt, he was so scared, he didn't know what to do, he didn't want any of his friends to be hurt again but he couldn't tell them about Yuta.

"Just stay away from me from now on, I'll get you killed" Mark mutters before walking into Jungwoo's driveway, dragging Johnny to the door and knocking on it.

A few moments later, the door opens and Jungwoo gulps."M-Mark! what happened?" He asks, shocked at the state of the two boys in front of him. "Uh, not too sure but look after him please," Mark lies and Jungwoo nods, grabbing Johnny and bringing him into his house. "Aren't you coming in?" Jungwoo asks and Mark shakes his head. "Nah, I need to do something," He says and Jungwoo nods. "Oh... okay,"

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