36. Never Goodbye

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Mark lays beside Yuta who's seemingly fast asleep.

He feels Yuta twitch every so often, a whimper sounding from his lips, his face contorting in pain and discomfort. He's suffering. I'm suffering.

It was time to end this.


"Oh Yuta~ where've you gone to now?" He hears her voice. He was petrified. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Come out Yuta, I made your favourite~" She cackles. Yuta tucks his knees closer to his chest if that was even possible. He just prayed she wouldn't check the cupboard he hid in. It was pitch black and it had begun to become humid and hot because of his breath. He was sweating and his whole body ached. He was covered head to toe in injuries, from scratches on his face from her nails to bruises on his back from the whip she used on him.

She was his mother.

Wasn't she supposed to be dead? like 10 years ago? why is he hiding? why is he... scared? His hands feel around in the cramped darkness to see if he had a weapon with him, usually, he brought a weapon. Yuta! they're the old ways. You're untouchable now.

Yuta gulps. He knew he could kill her within an instant but he couldn't force himself to move. His whole body felt weak and useless.

"Oh, Yuta dear~ don't keep me waiting long. You know you'll miss out on dinner if you keep me waiting" She calls and he gulps, his stomach growling at him. Come on Yuta, you can do this.

Yuta was an adopted child, He was adopted by a kind lady named Francesca, Francesca Monroe. She adopted him when he was 12 and when she was 20. Francesca was a lovely woman, a beautiful one too... on the outside anyway.

She had everyone with eyes and ears fawning over her. With the light sandy blonde curls, beautiful bright ocean blue eyes, plump pink lips, a perfect hourglass body with big breasts and butt and immaculate style, she could mesmerise anyone and everyone. She was like the pied piper except the music was the scent of her perfume and the rats were everyone and anyone in sight. She was the human definition of Eye Candy.

At first, living with Francesca felt like a dream come true. He'd watched all his friends be taken away from him and younger ones being brought in, one's he thought it would be too awkward to try and get along with because he was so much older than them. But now he was with Francesca, not only did he have a mother figure but also a best friend. Someone he could confide in, someone who'd listen to his worries. He was a little annoyed at everyone asking him if they could bang his mother though, it was disturbing for him.

As a Japanese boy, he barely knew any English but Francesca took her time helping him learn every day until he was fluent and even though he was a boy, she still listened to his boy troubles and asked her guy friends for advice, she was fearless. Taboo wasn't a word in her dictionary.

When he joined his new high school, he got picked on for being adopted but Francesca was always there to stick up for him. She'd even beat someone up for him. She was like everything he needed, a mother, a best friend, an older sister, you name it. Francesca was there whenever Yuta needed her.

Until she wasn't even there for herself...

It was the 2nd of August 2011, Francesca's 24th birthday. Francesca came back from clubbing with the girls and was stupidly drunk. Yuta hated the 2 girls that she hung out with. He didn't care about their names but labelled them as Oopsie and Whoopsie. They seemed to be interested in him too much for him to feel comfortable to the point they'd 'accidentally' drop things and bend over in front of him, shoving their ass in his face whilst they picked whatever it was up or accidentally fall and sit in his lap whilst he was sat down. Yuta was revolted by it but it seemed Francesca got along well with them and he didn't want to be the one that breaks such a good friendship so he never mentioned anything.

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