1. Confusion

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"Yo dude, I'm fucking bored" Mark sighs and Johnny sits up, placing his book down on the coffee table in front of him. "I mean, it's pretty late right now so there's not much we can do," Johnny says and Mark sighs, sitting up as well. "Wanna go on a walk or something?" Johnny suggests and Mark shrugs. "Yeah, why not?" He says before they both stand up and make their way to their rooms to get into suitable clothes for the weather. It had been getting quite chilly lately so they made sure to wrap themselves up in a few extra layers.

As soon as Johnny was finished dressing, he goes to check if Mark was ready. He approaches the boy's bedroom door and knocks on it. "Hey, you ready?" He asks quietly but loud enough to be heard. The door was softly opened and Mark looks up at Johnny with those lively lovable sparkling black orbs before smiling. "Dude, don't look at me like that" He giggles shyly, his ears becoming a rosy red colour. "Sorry" Johnny snickers.

The two boys set out into the cool weather with a feeling of relief to be outside in the fresh air.

"Ah, this feels amazing" Johnny smiles, feeling the cold autumn air blow on his face. "Yeah, isn't the sky so pretty tonight?" Mark says, pointing at the sky and they stop and look up for a moment. "Woah... I think I can see Aquarius" Johnny smiles. "Yo, isn't that one Pisces as well?" Mark asks and Johnny nods. "That's sick!" Mark smiles and the two of them carry on walking.

As the pair walk on, Mark begins to feel uneasy. He felt something on his back. Someone's stare. Although, when he turned back, no one was to be seen. He turns back around and still feels those eyes on his back. Johnny notices Mark's uneasiness and stops him. "You alright? You keep turning around" He says and Mark gulps. "I dunno man, I feel like we're being watched or something, don't you feel it?" He asks and Johnny shakes his head. "No. I think you're just being paranoid" He tells Mark who lets out an irritated huff. "Can we go to the store? I need a drink" He murmurs to Johnny who agrees.

They take a sudden right turn and Mark feels a wave of relief wash over him. "I feel a little better already" He snickers and Johnny laughs. "See? you were being paranoid, just don't think about it and you'll be fine- you okay?" Johnny cuts himself off noticing Mark's face drop and drain of colour. "I can feel it again" He whispers, his voice cracking as fear creeps over him. Mark wasn't usually afraid of anything when it came to going out late at night so he couldn't comprehend why tonight he felt so anxious and paranoid that someone was watching him. Mark was pretty good-looking and he knew so but he didn't think that people would go this far just to see his pretty face. Mark tried to take his mind off the non-stop sensation on his back and tried to think of his favourite food in the entire world: watermelon. "While we're there, can we get some watermelon?" Mark asks and Johnny nods. "Yeah, dude get anything you want" Johnny laughs.

Finally, Mark and Johnny reach the convenience store and enter. Mark sighs in relief and Johnny rolls his eyes. "Dude, stop being paranoid. You know if something was wrong that I'd feel it too so chill out" Johnny says to Mark who sighs, picking up a small tub of watermelon chunks and a bottle of coke before wandering around behind Johnny. They both heard the bell chime signalling another person had entered the shop and once again, Mark began to feel on edge. He pulls Johnny to a corner and exhales. "Dude, I feel it again, I think it's the dude who just came in-"

"Mark, look" Johnny drags Mark out to face the long-haired man who jumped back, a little startled by the man being shoved in front of him. He was holding a green tea cake and a bottle of vegetable juice. Mark was puzzled beyond belief, the man didn't look suspicious at all. He was handsome, had long dark hair and had an expression of confusion on his face. He was puzzled as to why Johnny was making Mark face him. "C-can I help you?" The man stammers and Mark shakes his head, shrugging Johnny off. Johnny apologises to the man and the two walk past him. Although the man looked completely harmless and peaceful, Mark swears he saw the man smirk as they went past but he knew that Johnny was already annoyed enough as it is with him being paranoid so he decided not to bring it up as he didn't want to get yelled at.

Maybe it was just him being paranoid...

...Maybe it wasn't.


Johnny and Mark arrive back at their dorms and Mark sighs as he sits down on the couch, opening his tub of watermelon and smiling.

"You alright now?" Johnny asks sitting beside him. "No, why would I be? bro I swear to god, that guy was stalking us or something!" He says and Johnny rolls his eyes. "But you can't prove it, can you?" Johnny argues back. "No! ...I can't" Mark sighs, shoving a piece of juicy watermelon in his mouth. "But it's weird... how I felt like I was being watched outside and then when he came in, I felt it again... but he didn't look suspicious at all!" Mark groans, shoving another piece of watermelon in his mouth. "As I said it's probably cuz it's late" Johnny responds. "Anyway, finish that and go to sleep, cuz I wanna sleep soon," He says, standing up. "Alright bro," Mark quickly finishes the watermelon, discarding the plastic container in the bin and placing his unopened coke in the fridge before heading to Johnny's room. Mark opens the door a slight bit and peers in, seeing Johnny watching something on his phone. "Night bro" He whispers. "See you in the morning, scaredy-cat" Johnny whispers back with a smile and Mark shuts the door before walking back to his room.

He gets into his bed and sighs picking up his phone and checking the time.

12:54 am

Suddenly, he felt those same pair of eyes on him. He gasps and jumps up, looking at the window to see nothing there but the dark sky which had little white stars sprayed all over completed by a thin crescent moon. Mark was swiftly diverted by the gorgeous night that he stops paying attention to the staring sensation getting closer and closer to him. As he was about to take a picture of the beautiful night's sky, his camera was on selfie mode. He sees himself but his eyes widen seeing the other man approaching him from behind. He turns his phone screen off, spinning around at the speed of light before feeling someone slap some sort of sweet-smelling cloth around his mouth, their other hand supporting the back of his head.

All Mark saw was that silky long hair before his eyes rolled back and he was engulfed in complete darkness.

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