6. The beauty of losing control

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The boy awakens in a dark familiar room. Yuta's bedroom. He looks over at the soft, warm light coming from his left side and sees Yuta writing something.

"Sleep well, babe?" Yuta asks not looking up from his book and Mark jumps from the sudden noise. "U-uh... y-yeah" He stammers and Yuta chuckles. "Still flustered around me? that's cute" He says and Mark gives him a disgusted look.

"Well, now you've rested, how about we see if you can hit me?" He smiles, closing the book and turning around. Mark just stares up at him with hatred. The boy notices the large gash on Yuta's cheek and smiles knowing he was able to harm him someway. "Come on then," Yuta says standing and Mark gets out of bed. "But first I'd like to show you something" He chuckles darkly and Mark gulps, following timidly behind him. Yuta leads the boy down the stairs and out into the back where they stop by the door that led down to the basement.

"You've gone pale, you alright?" Yuta asks and Mark nods. Yuta shrugs opening the door and grabbing hold of Mark's hand as they venture into the darkness of the staircase. The two boys reach the bottom and Yuta opens the door leading Mark in. Mark's eyes widen as his jaw drops seeing all of his friends down here. A few of them were laying on the floor, possibly unconscious or dead as the rest who were obviously awake were huddled together, fearing every moment might be their last.

"Y-Yuta wh-"

"I thought you said you didn't care about them?"

"I-" He looks around seeing Jaehyun's dead body was there.

"Mark... what's happening?" Jungwoo sobs, the look of absolute fear on their faces made Mark want to burst out in tears but... he couldn't. He couldn't cry, his body wouldn't let him cry. He felt completely empty. "I'm sorry" Mark mutters and Yuta smirks. "I fucking hate you..." Mark spits at Yuta making a few of the tied up boys jump. "Oh really? well... how about we make a deal? if you manage to hit me more than five times, I'll let your friends go but if you don't then I'll make you watch me kill them" Yuta proposes and Mark grits his teeth together. "That's not fair..."

"Nothing in life is fair Mark, I thought you would've learnt that by now" Yuta rolls his eyes. "But there are ways to make it fair..." He whispers staring at his blindfolded friends. "Hm? Enlighten me, Mark, how could we make it fair?" Yuta asks.

"Keep me and leave my friends alone," He says and his friends' jaws drop to the floor. How could he just give himself up like that?

"Mark..." Johnny utters and Mark feels his whole body grow hot with rage. "JUST LISTEN TO ME YOU FUCKING FOOLS!" He snaps at them and they seem shocked. "He wants me, that's it! If I give him what he wants then you guys can live your lives in peace... without me" He says and Yuta chuckles. "But then you're just giving him what he wants!" Johnny yells. "You just don't get it... do you?" Mark laughs. "If I don't give him what he wants, you'll all die but I'll still be here because all he wants is me, if I give him what he wants, you guys won't die... so let me go... please," He says softly, his voice cracking.

"Why don't you just kill him?"

"H-huh?" He looks over at the one who just said that. A person he never expected to say something like that. Kim Doyoung. "Do-Doyoung Hyung?" He stammers, confused if he heard that right. "Kill him, Mark, it's the easiest way out of this," He says, his face left no traces of anything but seriousness.


"Do you want to live in peace? and have us there with you?" He questions Mark who gulps. Mark was contemplating whether to say yes or no. He'd never committed murder and as much as he wanted to kill Yuta, he didn't think he could do it. Not just because it's murdering someone... it's because he's- "ANSWER ME GODDAMN IT!" Doyoung yells and Mark stares at his blindfolded friend with wide glossy eyes. "I-I don't know Hyung..." He whispers. "What do you mean you don't know?!" Doyoung yells and Mark looks at Yuta who was leaning against the brick wall, eyes closed. "I think it's too late Hyung," He snickers. "Too late? it's not too late! Just kill him!" Doyoung's voice echoes in his head as he takes a knife from the collection laid out beside Yuta. Yuta opens an eye and smirks as he watches Mark turn around and walk towards his friend gripping the knife. He kneels down behind Doyoung and places his hand on the front of Doyoung's head.

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