25. Obey.

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Mark drinks the rest of the milk out of his cereal and lets out a sigh of relief. Last night must've done him good, he felt perfectly fine today. He washes the bowl and spoon and makes his way into the living room where Kaname was sleeping. He gulps, she must've heard everything bless her poor ears.

He decided to let her sleep, carefully cleaning up the living room which was oddly messy. He sighs and goes back upstairs into Yuta's room and sees him sitting up, his eyes dimmed like he wasn't there. His head slowly lifts up and his eyes light up upon seeing Mark.

"Oh, there you are!" He smiles, getting out of bed and hugging the boy, softly swaying from side to side, breathing his scent in. "Are you feeling better? you look a lot more lively," He smiles and Mark nods. "Yeah I feel a ton better," Mark says and Yuta chuckles. "That's great, is Kaname okay?" He asks. "Yeah, she slept downstairs, I think we owe her an apology" He laughs. "I'm sure she'd like to forgive and forget," Yuta says, kissing Mark's nose. "Well I'm apologising," He says and Yuta nods. "Alright," He says.


Knock knock knock

The door opens and Jungwoo laughs. "Oh thank god you're back" He beams, hugging the boy tightly. "Are you feeling better?" He asks and Mark nods. "Yeah, I am, don't worry" He smiles and Jungwoo sighs, come inside, someone's actually here to see you as well," He says and Mark raises a brow as Jungwoo leads him to the living room. The two sit and Mark looks up to see Lucas looking, guilty.

"Lucas? why are you here?" Mark asks. "I wanted to apologise," He says. "What for?" He asks. "The thing in the basement, I lied, I don't hate you at all, yes I hate what you did but I can see that... you're ch-changing, y'know? I just got a little intimidated around Yuta so I just blurted out some bullshit and now I see what he does," Lucas says and Mark laughs. "Yeah, he's a bastard, I'm confused about him but I gotta say as much as he's nice to me, it doesn't outweigh all the cruel shit he's put us through," Mark says and Lucas nods. "Don't worry bro, it'll all be over soon, I promise" He says and Lucas nods. "It's alright, I mean even if it isn't the end, just... look after yourself alright, don't let him control you anymore, yeah?" Lucas says and Mark nods, smiling. "Alright, you too," He says and Lucas nods to Jungwoo before leaving.

"Ugh, I've got a headache" Mark sighs, holding his head. "Oh no, I'll get you some paracetamol and a drink," He says quickly rushing off. "Come back" Mark calls and Jungwoo walks back, tilting his head to one side. "What's up?" He asks. "I'm just tired, no need for anything" He smiles. "Sleep then" He smiles and Mark shakes his head. "I can't yet"

"Why's that?"

"Yuta... I'm a little worried, he's a lot clingier now and I'm worried he might do something"

"Ah... good point"

"I'll message him, see what he's up to," Mark says and Jungwoo nods. "I'll make us a warm drink," Jungwoo says but Mark didn't hear him.


Yuta <3

3:12 PM

Yo, whatcha doing?

Nothing special why?

I'm tired

Not my fault, you're the one who started it

But u could've at least had some self-control

I didn't kno u were gonna absolutely ruin me like that >:T

You asked for it

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