32. Interrogation

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"Why do you look so frightened?" Yuta smirks. "Am I scary?" He mocks with a wide-eyed frown as he stares down at them.

"I'm not gonna hurt you unless it's necessary" He sighs. "If I wanted you to be scared, I would've tied you both up," He says. "Save your fright for later, I don't want it right now, it's annoying" Yuta spits and he notices Jaemin relaxes a little. "You've given me information before and you shall give me information again, both of you" He smiles at Jeno as well as he scrapes a chair along the ground towards them. He sits opposite, folding one leg over the other, leaning back and crossing his arms.

"Anything?" He asks and the two boys stay silent. "Come on, hurry it up, Jisung is probably getting bored in there," He says. The mention of Jisung earned Yuta two piercing glares from the boys. "Ooh, sensitive I see, cute, anyway spill it or he'll suffer even more than he already is" Yuta grins.

"There's nothing, I've not heard anything from anyone" Jaemin whispers. "Disappointing, Jeno?" He looks at Jeno who shrugs. "Don't even one of you know if Jungwoo survived or not?" He scoffs and the two shake their head. "Whereabouts of Mark?" He asks and they shake their heads again. "Eh that's fine, I'm not really expecting you to know if I don't" He sighs. He'd driven around for at least an hour last night searching for that boy but he'd completely disappeared. Yuta had Mark's phone and guessed Mark had his phone, he needed to get it back but he couldn't locate his phone which means either it's off, died or Mark's completely off the radar somehow.

"Anything about any of the others?" He asks. "Taeil, Lucas?" He asks and Jaemin lifts his head. "I saw Lucas not too long ago when I was shopping, I don't think he saw me but uh... he um... he was with a few others who I didn't recognise, I overheard them talking about you and Mark. Don't take my word for this but it sounded like they were planning on jumping you or something-"

Yuta bursts out into a fit of giggles, almost falling off his chair. "Really?" Yuta breathes, wiping a tear. "Y-yeah" Jaemin stammers, a little frightened by Yuta's reaction. "Wow~ that'll be fun" He sighs.

The boys were cut off by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs towards the basement.

Jaemin and Jeno begin to worry, who was it? who could it be? why were they coming down? were they going to try and save them? were they about to kill them all? were they gonna help Yu-

"Ah, Mark! just in time, how've you been?" He smiles at the boy in the doorway. Jaemin and Jeno stare in shock.

"Could've been better" He mumbles, clearly not happy in the slightest.

"Why is Jisung tied up in your room?" He questions Yuta who giggles. "He looks so adorable doesn't he? all naked, sweating, whimpering and whining" Yuta bites his lip. "You're a cruel fuckin bastard," Mark spits. "Why are these two here?" Mark asks and he sighs. "They're my little angels, they provide me with information and run errands for me- oh I have a little present for you" Yuta stands up and Mark rolls his eyes, bracing for impact. "Oh yeah, what now? you gonna hand a beating heart covered in glitter or something?" He scoffs. "No," Yuta says softly, approaching him. Yuta pulls out a necklace with a gem on it. "The crystal is called rose quartz, I'm not sure what it does but just thought it'd be something nice for you" Yuta smiles before carefully placing it around his neck. There's got to be something about this necklace that's bad. There's no way he just bought something like that for him because it's nice...

"Well, I have to admit, I did make Jeno run out for it because I couldn't, you know why," He says looking at Mark who nods noticing the cuts on his face had begun to heal. He picks up the gem and looks at it, inspecting it for any sort of damage or sign that it was stolen and that Yuta was lying but of course, he found nothing.

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