26. Courage of a Tiger

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Lucas looks up at his friend staring down at him with tears pouring his stoic face, the axe dangling beside him, gripped tightly by his hand.

"Please Mark, please don't I'm sorry I'm so sorry just please-"

"Shut up" He whispers. "Do I look like I want to do this?" He spits and Yuta comes back into the basement. "Not done yet? take your time I guess but take too long and I'll get annoyed" He says, sitting down with his drink. "I'm sorry Mark, please, don't kill me" Lucas cries.

"Oh Mark~ don't kill me~" Yuta mocks him, laughing and Mark spins around, gripping the axe even tighter. "Yuta shut the fuck up" He growls and Yuta smirks. "That was hot," He chuckles, sipping his drink.

"Yuta, get me a knife," He says. "A knife, why's that? less mess?" He asks, standing up. "I don't want to make this long and painful for the both of us," He says softly and Yuta looks at him disgusted. "Bleh, get the knife yourself then," He says, flopping back down onto the folding chair at the end of the room. "Nevermind, I found a quicker way" He mutters, launching the axe in Yuta's direction. He watches Yuta carefully who takes a sip of his drink as the axe buries itself into a wooden pillar, a few centimetres away from him. He looks at Mark and smirks.

"Scaredy cat" He chuckles, placing the cup on the floor beside him and crossing his legs. Mark sits down with Lucas and pulls the boy next to him before giving him a hug.

"I'm sorry, look after yourself in there" Mark mumbles before standing up.

He takes a deep breath as he walks towards Yuta. He reaches Yuta who didn't even move a muscle. "What's up?" Yuta asks nonchalantly. "Changed your mind?" He asks, pulling his phone out. "You want him to hear this?" He asks and Mark clenches his fists. "You prick," He spits, wrenching the axe out of the wooden pillar. "Ay, be careful" Yuta says. "You know what?" Mark says with a smirk. "This is a brave decision but I might just go with it," He says softly. "Think you can smash my phone?" He asks and Mark shakes his phone. "That was an option but there's no point in that when you're still alive," He says, leaning over until his face was dangerously close to Yuta's. Yuta wasn't bothered, he knew he was in control. He places an icy hand up Mark's shirt causing him to gasp. "I can feel it beating so rapidly, your courage is admirable" He beams at Mark who begins to control his breathing in the hope his heart would calm the fuck down. "Ooh, it sped up, you're panicking, why's that?" He smirks. "I'm not panicking, I'm gonna kill you" He whispers. "Hm... kill me? sounds pretty unrealistic, don't you think?" He asks and Mark brings the axe to Yuta's face, lifting his chin up with the blade to look up at him.

"Not to me," He says shifting a foot and Lucas looks up.

"Does to me" Yuta smirks. "The longer you stall, in the hope Lucas will make an escape, the more time I have to counter any plan you've thought of" He smiles and Mark gulps. "But if he escapes, it doesn't matter"

"Not even the recordings?"

"Nope, I think they know we fuck, I mean... Jungwoo does, Renjun probably did" He says. "It'll be no surprise to them," He says. "But it's fine because if I kill you now, you won't have a chance," He says. "I may be unarmed but trust me, if you try, you'll regret it," Yuta sneers pushing his neck against the blade. "Let's see then, ay?" Mark laughs, lifting the axe up and swinging it to the side with all his strength, closing his eyes. His eyes shoot open as he feels it sink into something. He looks and sees Yuta looking at him through hooded eyes, the axe had buried itself into the wooden pillar again, this time it had scarcely slashed the side of Yuta's neck but enough to cause blood to spill out of it. Yuta stands up and grabs Mark by the collar of his jacket, pulling him close until the two's bodies were pressed together.

"What did I say?" He asks in a quiet voice. "You and your friend have five seconds to run," He says, pushing Mark away. Mark drops the axe and dashes to Lucas, grabbing him by the arm and running to the basement door. "LUCAS RUN, DON'T LOOK BACK, DON'T STOP RUNNING" He yells to Lucas who was running for his life up the stone stairs. Mark hears the horrible wooden door open and close and sighs in relief that Lucas was okay.

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