Chapter 10: Full proof Plan

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After everyone is gone and it's just Void and me, Void says "I'm surprised you didn't tell Scott." I answer him "Look it's easier if he doesn't know." Void then asks "Are you sure? What if he finds out?" I tell him simply "He won't." 

Void then states "If you want to set yourself up to fail then be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you." I then state getting annoyed "And don't say that you told me so." Void says back "Fine, but do you have a plan if Scott or some else finds out?" 

I smirk saying "Look who you're talking too. Of course, I do. I've been planning, waiting for almost the majority of the two years I've been gone." 

Void then says "Well I know that much but you know I hate loopholes. Is there any chance of Scott or anyone else like Deaton maybe being able to sneak in the cracks and stop us?" 

Still with confidence and a smirk I tell him "None. I've made sure that all possible cracks old and new are and will be sealed to ensure no new cracks are formed. So, relax, everything is in order." 

Void nods and then says, "I guess when we split, I got your anxiety and stress while you gain my knowledge and powers." I nod saying "Yeah makes since." Void then asks, "So, . . . What's next?" 

I answer, "Phase one has just completed and now begins phase 2, more specifically phase 2 part 1. where we get Scott and the rest to let their guards down. Once that happens, we'll start phase 2 part 2. Even though they'll have their guards down, we'll still be eyed every closely. So, in part 2 of phase 2 we'll have to wait. that's all we have to do for that phase. for the next phase, phase 3 is where the real fun begins. Phase 3 part 1 is when we can see that both their guards are lowered, and they've quit watching our every move. and by this phase more likely by the beginning of phase 2 will be when the watchful hawk will leave site. So, by phase 3 everything will be ready for the biggest surprise yet."

Void clarifies "Looking forward to it . . . so the game plan is to wait until they are no longer wary of you or me." 

I respond "Yeah, pretty much. but one thing is that they'll trust me long before they even think of trusting you. but that is why we wait. For the longer we wait the sweeter the pain of betrayal."

 Void then asks, "What's the end game?" I repeat then tell him "The end game? . . . . . . . There is none. I plan to feed upon them for as long as I can, and I already told you we are trapping 1 or more people to which I feed. Only when Scott or someone else is suspicious or wondering do we go after the rest. Putting them in rooms to which I can feed on whoever forever." 

Void then counters "But won't you get bored." I answer with a smirk "That's easy, I mix it up. When I do I feed on one person until I get bored and instead, I torture them, feed again, torture again. Feed and then leave. As there is so many ways to torture, too many ways, so no possibility of boredom." 

Void then states "You really have thought of everything, except where will you hold them. You have 1 Were-Coyote, 1 Bansee, 1 hybrid and 2 if you count Theo. 1 druid, 2 humans and 2 omega once alpha werewolves. 3 beta werewolves and 1 true alpha none other than your best friend and brother Scott McCall. What place could handle that, most of all supernatural's." 

I answer him "Well the thing is, the supernatural's are easy. You just need a very secure place and surround the room with mountain ash, more so coving it in mountain ash. The floors easy. We just need to make sure certain rooms are drastically stronger. So that they can hold . . . say supernatural's that aren't affected by mountain ash, mostly for Lydia and Deaton. If they can hold them, they'll hold for humans and the others will have mountain ash for extra security."

Void notes "Got the answer for the first part what about the second part . . . Where?" I tell him "Well I think the calaveras have such a place." Void questions "What makes you think they'll let you borrow the place?" I reply "Cause . . . What makes you think I'll be asking. I'll be telling otherwise the calaveras will be the first. They'll be the test dummies. We'll go right after whoever has their eyes on us, after they get removed. . . That's when we go to the calaveras. The day after whoever is removed."

Void still questions "Smart, but what does that mean for the plan." I tell him "I'll recap." I wait a bit before continuing "Phase one finished for phase one was to get back in the pack. Phase two part one has officially started Phase two part one is to wait until the let their guard down, when they release our watch dog. Phase two part two us when we wait for them to stop being superstitious and phase 3 part one is where we make sure everything is ready. Then phase 3 part two is when we take 1 maybe 2 pack members. Then once again we wait. After phase 3 is complete we wait until at least one person becomes suspicious and we take them, then the moment when they realize and interrogate us, we take them all. So, between Phase 2 part one and 2 is when we leave for the calaveras." 

Void states "Ok sounds like you really do have everything sorted out." I scoff and respond "Yeah, look who your talking too." Void then clarifies "So right now we're in the beginning of Phase two part one. Right after part one ends but before part two we go to the calaveras." I state "Yes. Does that make since now?" Void answers "Yeah, I think so." He pauses and says "Let the waiting game begin."

Words: 1058

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