Forty Eight ꕥ

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You pushed from Jin's arms and then dragged him forward toward the door your fingers clutching the material of his dress shirt. Your heart was pounding leaving you feeling sluggish and confused. You shook your head when he didn't immediately understand, finally forced to find words from your heavy tongue.

"You have to leave, right now. If Eomma's involved it's a trap, leave me and go before she gets you killed too." You twisted around his body and shoved against his broad back but he was unmovable, solidly defiant in how he was planted in place.

"I didn't abandon you three years ago, I'm not doing it now." Jin turned pulling you back into his arms your face pressed into his shoulder. "You aren't ever going to be alone again, and trap or not we're not leaving. All four of us are committed to getting you out of here."

Four of them? You were suddenly confused, hadn't he lied to Minjae and her mother so it would seem more realistic? Weren't they just a cover for his plan?

"Minji and Minjae are here to help, they know everything. Your mother reached out to Minji not me." Jin's hands tilted your face so he was looking into your eyes again he must have seen how skeptical you'd looked. How could he be so calm?

"Why would your wife risk everything for me?" You words trembled out, this made no sense at all.

"They murdered her brother, she's not just here not for you but to avenge Seungho. There's no room for personal vendettas between people with a common enemy. Why did you call her my wife?" Jin had led you back toward the bed, you both sat, your were still grappling to understand what was happening.

"When I got here Kyulee said you'd been married, just days after Seungho's funeral." You swallowed hard trying not to let emotion over take you once more. Your fingers dug into the heavy bed spread, it calmed you.

"Kyulee lied, the whole engagement with Minjae wasn't even real, she wanted to prove you weren't loyal to him, and I just wanted to see you again. I had no clue you were going to find out about Ji Hoon that night. We were going to break up a few weeks later, but everything happened. Minji knows about that too, she knows I don't plan on marrying her daughter."

"You lied about sleeping with her? About letting her use you?" He nodded and looked guilty.

You wanted to be angry, but there were so many other things worth being mad about, their childish set up wasn't one of them. You felt a bit shocked that either Minji or Minjae would have done anything to help you, but even if you couldn't imagine it, both of them were here. They were risking their lives, acting their asses off to get you out of your hopeless situation.

"What is the plan? You've clearly convinced Bao, but what's next? Ji Hoon might have a military background but the rest of you aren't special forces. We can't just walk out of here."

"Ji Hoon has contacts that are working with the Chinese government, he's already working with your CIA contacts as well. But things are moving a lot slower than we'd hoped. That's why we're here, if they think I'm buying you to carry my child maybe they'll treat you better, and with Ji Hoon here maybe you'll be safer." Jin found your hand and intertwined your fingers, you wanted to crawl into his lap and let him in comfort you.

"Well that plan might be a problem, if I don't ever end up pregnant, they'll insist you pick another surrogate."

"We'll cross that bridge later, for now you need to make sure you have this tracker on you at all times. Switch it every time you change clothes, it will ensure when help arrives they can locate you in this huge compound, even if Bao or Huan try to hide you. If you lose it get word to Ji Hoon."

Jin released your hand and untucked his shirt, flipping one corner he used his fingernail to remove a tiny piece of metal from the hem. Taking the edge of your shirt he turned it over and shoved the tracker into the hem of yours pressing it past the threads. It had been about size of very small seed, it was virtually undetectable by the eye, only your fingers running along the border caught it's slight disruption of the smooth fabric.

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