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"I can hear your phone going off in your purse, give it to me." Your mother leaned between the seats, her hand extended like you were still seven and arguing over a toy with your brother.

"No, you can't take my phone." You tossed your purse across the seat out of her reach, petulant like that same child.

"Y/N, give it to your Eomma. You will not continue corresponding with Kim Seokjin, he made his choice."

Your spine straightened with his tone, the fear spiked, his eyes in the rear view mirror held threat. You grabbed your purse and thrust it at her, not even extracting the phone first. You were intensely glad that you'd only verbally discussed the elopement not messaged Jin or your brother those details. You were pretty sure you'd never be seeing that phone again.

"Clean yourself up, you look awful. The Yoo's are going to think you're ungrateful." Your mother shoved tissues into your outstretched palm, you randomly blotted at your face.

None of this could actually be happening, how had everything spun out of control so quickly? The tissues were useless, you were suddenly sobbing. For a moment your mother tried to console you, but you ignored her your cries tearing through the small space.

"Shut up." The car lurched toward the side of the road, your body swinging against the seatbelt as he slammed on the breaks, you stared at your father.

He'd twisted around in the seat and then he was pulling you forward by the hair, fingers tangled in the mess it had become. His face contorted in pure rage you couldn't understand.

"Have we not treated you like a princess your whole life? Given you everything you could want? You seek to deny me the one thing I ask of you Y/N? You always knew it wasn't going to be Seokjin. He's just a boy with dreams. Do your job as my daughter, or you won't be anyone's daughter. Do you think I enjoy this?" He shoved you back against the seat, less violently than you expected, but you felt held in place by his glare.

You couldn't speak, your eyes going to your mother, she looked away, staring out the window at the dark night like you didn't even exist. You straightened up, containing your tears, wiping more sincerely at your face.

"I'm sorry Appa." He turned back to the steering wheel breathing heavily but said no more, moving the car back into drive.

There was silence for several minutes, you thought you might have heard tears from your mother but you couldn't be sure. The silence in the car was suffocating until your mother broke it.

"We'll pick caterers and flowers in a couple days after you've settled in with the Yoo family." Her tone was too bright, shatteringly brittle as she tried to sound excited.

How had you lived this lie for 26 years? Never knowing the darkness just below the surface of your seemingly close and loving family? You'd seen so many warning signs but never thought it would be you.


Settling in with the Yoo's was easier than you imagined, they mostly ignored you. Seungho spoke to you very little, asking only perfunctory questions in the presence of his parents, none when alone with you. His father had a sharp tongue, but you'd only seen him twice thankfully.

Your mother had an assistant from the office drop off your laptop and a new phone so you could work. You knew instinctually that they were bugged and not safe to communicate with Seokjin or even openly with Dongbin. She didn't need to warn you. You'd been there four days when she finally messaged you.

YM: Dongbin and I will pick you up for dress shopping this evening, your cousin Hoojin and her mother will meet us there so she can pick hers as well

YN: Yes Eomma

Jin's Mistake • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now