One - Santa Carla

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Santa Carla. The murder capital of the world. A small town which held so much fear and diversity. The people of santa carla differed from snobby rich surfers to reckless goths. There were loads of different types of people in santa carla, but every single one of them shared the same thing. Fear.

For a new person, Santa Carla looked like any other small seaside american town. For Juliette it was all very exciting moving here. Leaving England after finally finishing high school and coming to start a life on her own. Away from her parents. Away from her friends. She needed a fresh start.

She drove to her new little house on her motorbike. She wanted to get there before the moving van so she had time to look around first. She drove past what looked like a funfair. It was starting to fill up with people and the smell of hotdogs and popcorn hit her nose. She made a mental note to visit there once she had unpacked.

She finally arrived at her new house. It wasn't massive but it was perfect for her. It was painted white and had a small porch. The front garden was filled with different types of flowers and a small stone path lead through the grass and flowers up to the porch. Juliette walked into the house and looked around. The big bay windows in the living room let loads of natural light through. The kitchen was small but it still felt perfect when Juliette went into it. Upstairs there were three bedrooms one with a bathroom which of course Juliette claimed as her room. Upstairs was also a family bathroom which was decorated with white tiles.

Juliette's bedroom had a big bay window just like the living room with a desk next to it so you could look out as you sat there. There was a big four poster bed and lots of shelves already there which would be perfect for all her records, books and video tapes. Juliette threw herself back onto her bed exhausted from the journey.

"Lettie?" A voice called from down stairs. "Lettie. Are you hereeeee?"

As soon as Juliette heard the voice she jumped up from her bed and ran downstairs.

"Sarah!" Lettie squealed (Lettie is Juliettes nickname btw) Jumping into the blonde girls embrace making the blonde laugh

"Hey girl. Guessing you missed me." Sarah said smiling

"Of course i did i haven't seen you in person for years." Lettie laughed. Sarah stood there and stared at her for a minute before a small smile formed in her lips slowly. "What?"

"Check out your accent." Sarah laughed

"Well I am British. What did you expect a russian accent?" Lettie said sarcastically as they both took a seat on the sofa which had already been placed in her home.

"There's the Lettie i know. Always with the sarcasm." Sarah said making Lettie laugh and push her playfully "Hey you better lock your doors. It's getting dark."

"So?" lettie asked confused

"Haven't you heard Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world."

"Yeah but i thought that was a joke."

"Nope people going missing all the time it's proper shit."

"well fuck."

"Yep that reminds me do you want to go to the broad walk tommorow night it like this big fun fair down the round next to the beach. Everyone goes." Sarah asked

"Yeah sure but didn't you just say it's dangerous at night?"

"Yeah but the broad walks fine everyone goes so nothing will happen to you cause someone would see. Anyway i'll meet you here at seven and show you the way."

"No it's fine i saw it on the way here i'll meet you there."

"Okay well don't get lost. Anyway i'm gunna head off home before it gets too dark cause i don't wanna be joining the missing person list." Sarah said getting up

"Bye" Lettie said hugging the blonde girl. Lettie had known Sarah since they were little. Their families used to be friends so they would meet occasionally but they would make sure to send letters to eachother reguraly.

Lettie had always adored Sarah. From the looks the girls were the complete opposite Sarah had light blonde hair, bright blue eyes and always had a dark tan. On the other hand Lettie was more on the pale side with long dark hair and hazel eyes. Sarah was definitely a daytime/morning type of person and lettie loved the night. But no matter of their differences they always got along.

As Sarah was leaving the moving van arrived and the men started to bring all the boxes in. Once they were done Lettie decided to go to bed because she was exhausted. She would deal with the boxes tommorow.

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