Touya's Girlfriend

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Hawks' POV

I was texting Fumihiro when Todoroki walked in. He was looking at his phone, holding a bag, as he closed the door. I looked up at him and then asked him a question while looking at my phone. "How was the visit home?"

He gave me a half-assed answer as he sat on his bed. "It was fine."

I continued to look at my phone while Fumihiro sent me a picture of his roommate sleeping in a weird position. "How's Natsuo? Is he still really active?"

Todoroki wasn't really paying attention. I glanced over at him before he answered. "Yup. I guess so."

He was typing something into his phone. Was he texting someone? Why do I even care? I shook my head slightly and continued to text Fumihiro.

Touya's POV

I felt annoyed texting Akane so much. She was really needy in a relationship. I was already exhausted and I've only been dating her for 3 hours.

Akane: Can we hang out before school tomorrow?

Touya: We're in the same class, Akane.

Akane: Yeah but we barely talk in class.

Touya: Because you're hanging out with other people when we have time to talk.

Akane: So? I just wanna talk to you before school.

Touya: Fine. Ima go take a shower.

Akane: But why? I wanna keep talking.

Touya: Because I have to go to bed. Bye.

Akane: Fine. Bye Baby!

I turned off my phone, sighing, and grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Hawks' POV

I heard the water turn on in the bathroom but then my eyes widened. One of my feathers were in the bathroom. Crap. I forgot to get it out before he got back. (This isn't gonna be an nsfw moment. And if you don't know, Hawks can hear what's going on around his feathers from a change in vibration as long as he isn't too far away from it.)

There wasn't a big enough gap under the floor for me to get it through. Instead I jusst hid the feather behind the toilet so he doesn't think I'm being creepy. I sighed and scrolled through some stuff on my phone. I came across a cat video when I heard his phone ring. He hadn't gotten in the shower yet. The ringing stopped and I heard Todoroki's voice. "Yes? What do you want?"

I heard another voice. Wait no. It's Akane's. His phone was on speaker. "Is that really how you talk to your girlfriend?"

My eyes widened. Girl... friend? I shook my head. No. Why am I so surprised. Of course he's straight. Why would I even want him to be gay? It's not like I like him. Plus, I already have an amazing boyfriend. I would never hurt him like that!

I tried to ignore the rest of their conversation. Basically Akane just wanted to tell him that she loves him. Gross. I'm only saying that because it's Akane. Once Todoroki got out of the bathroom, I flew my feather over to me.

I looked over at Todoroki while he stood... shirtless... by his bed. He was drying his hair with one hand while looking at his phone. I looked at his body... it was... STOP! What am I doing? I looked away and got up to turn the light off before going to bed. I laid down and faced my back toward Todoroki. What the fuck is my brain doing?!

Touya's POV

I got under my blankets and looked at my phone again. I was beginning to get a headache. Akane was STILL texting me. At some point I fell asleep. I didn't dream of anything. I just stared at the back of my eyelids until I woke up.

Hawks' POV

I moved around in bed, noticing that I was cuddling with someone. Oh yeah. Fumihiro. I looked up and saw his sleeping face. I smiled and kissed his cheek before getting up and going to the bathroom. I used the toilet and then walked back into the room. But something was different. The bathroom door closed as I looked around. I... was in my childhood home.

I gulped nervously as I looked around. That same room. A beat up matress in the corner with a blue blanket and a pillow. And a bunch of trash all over the floor. I turned around to go back in the bathroom. I opened the door but was met with another run down room. I looked back in the room and saw someone standing in the middle of the room.

Dad. I took in a deep breath and held it. He looked mad. "You're a disgrace, Keigo!"

I back up slightly only to trip on a peice of trash and fall. But I kept falling. My back faced down while I tried to reach for something that wasn't there. I couldn't use my wings. Everything around me turned to darkness. But then I looked around me as I continued fall. I saw memories. Like a many different movies. And I could hear the memory that I looked at. I looked at one that was when Todoroki first came to the dorms. "Hey! You're the new kid right? Todoroki, right? Call me Hawks!"

I stared at it, still falling. I felt a tear prick at my eye. I looked at another one. I remebered this specifically. "Can we be friends?" "Sure."

I smiled and looked at another one. "Who's dat?" "That's my friend, Hawks."

I looked at the next. "YOU'RE HAWKS, RIGHT?! I'm Natuso!"

I looked at another. "Hi. I'm Fuyumi."

I turned my head to look at other ones. These ones... not so happy. "Jusy... leave me alone. Don't come into my room without my permission."

I swallowed before looking at another one. "Don't call me by my first name, Hawks." "What?" "It's Todoroki to you."

Another... "Y'know, you're kinda cute!"

Another. "It's none of your business. It's not like we're friends!"

Another! "I need you to put some gauze on my back."

I paused. This memory. I watched through the whole thing. That was one of the rare moments that he asked me for help. I felt a tear fall down my face as I watched me putting gauze around him. And then I hit the ground.

Touya's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When I got out, I looked at Hawks and noticed something. He was crying. I stared at him for a few seconds, watching that tear fall down his cheek. I took in a deep breath. I hated seeing that. Seeing him have a nightmare. And not doing anything about.

But I shook off the feeling and laid back down. Hawks doesn't mean anything to me anymore. He's hust an old memory. Forget about him.

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