New kid

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(The first couple of chapters were from a long time ago, so after that, it gets a lot better because I improved on writing)

Touya's POV

I stared at the dorm room door right in front of me. Room 198. Exactly what the paper says. I sigh and open the door to get greeted with red feathers flying everywhere.

I let go of my suitcase and stare at the slightly younger boy in front of me. He had on a white tee shirt and black sweat pants. He had eye liner below his golden eyes. He had brownish blonde, messy hair. And also, HUGE red wings!

He looked over to me and set down his controller. "Hey! You're the new kid, right? Todoroki right? Call me Hawks!"

I stared at him and then walked to my bed, next to his. He watched me and then sat on the edge of his bed. "You're 13 right? I'm 11. You're Endeavor's son right?"

I glared at him from the side when he mentioned my father. But... he didn't mention my bandages. That was nice. Usually that's the first thing someone says.

I sighed and put my suitcase on my bed. I opened it and took out the few things that was in there. I quickly put the clothes in the dresser and a few pictures of my siblings on the nightstand next to me. And then one picture of my mom.

Hawks looked at the picture of my mom and smiled. "She looks beautiful! Your mom?"

I grunted and sat on my bed. I pulled out a book and pretend to read. I still can't believe he sent me here. I guess he had no use for me after Shoto got his quirk.

Hawks went back to his game. He was playing call of duty. Of course.

I don't know when it was, but I fell asleep at some point. When I woke up, I noticed I wasn't holding my book. It was on my nightstand.

I looked over to Hawks' bed and saw him sound asleep. I checked the clock and it was 3 AM.

I sat on the edge of my bed. Maybe this kid wasn't so bad. He seemed nice enough. And...weirdly mature for his age.

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and saw a few burns on my face and some gauze around my neck.

I used the bathroom and got back in bed.

I woke up to a thud. I sat up and saw Hawks flat on his face. I almost laughed but stopped myself.

I guess... it was a habit. I never really laughed at home. Afraid to anger my father.

Hawks quickly got up and kept apologizing for waking me up. I sighed and said, "It's fine."

He smiled and put his hand on the back of his neck. "Thanks, Todoroki!"

I then spoke again. "Actually, call me Touya. I don't like my family name."

It was true. I don't like being addressed by a name my father once used in school."

Hawks smiled brightly. "Touya it is then!"

Hawks went back to whatever he was doing, but I couldn't sleep, so I went to take a shower.

When I got out, I dried my red hair, turning white, and then got dressed. I walked into the room and saw Hawks on his bed eating chicken wings.

"Isn't that... cannibalism?" He stared at me, thinking.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "But I do like it!"

I walked to my bed and decided that I had nothing better to do, so I started stretching on the floor, about to exercise. I want to show my dad that I'm not useless.

I started doing push ups, and after about 50, Hawks started watching me, in amazement. "How do you do that?"

I looked up at him, while still doing push ups. "Training."

Then, after about 50 more, I got back up. I sat on my bed. "I'm gonna go to the cafeteria."

I got up and left the room. 5 seconds later, I was back in the room, asking where the cafeteria is.

Hawks ended up showing me. But then he got his own food and sat down with me. I spoke first, surprisingly. "What's your real name?"

He looked at me confused. "What?"

"Like, your actual name. You go by Hawks but you haven't actually told me your name." I said.

He looked a little nervous. "Um... it's not important."

I hesitated. But then spoke. "Ok."

He looked at me. "Wait. You're not gonna question me further?"

I shrugged. "I have secrets I don't want people to know so I'm sure you do too. I'm not gonna pester you about it."

He looked at his burger. "Oh...ok."

After we were done eating, we went back to the dorm room. We have classes tomorrow so he was studying for some test. I decided to actually try to read my book.

Later that night, I finally fell asleep.

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