Keigo Takami

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(If you haven't already guessing, I LOVE to write them dreaming! Also, don't get mad at me if Hawks' past isn't too accurate because I don't know that much about what happened. Only the gist of it. Also, I do need to mention that in his living situation, his mom is currently homeless and that is why he didn't want to go home during winter break. Anyway...)

Touya's POV

My arms were floating next to me as I had my eyes closed. I could feel the sun beat against my face. The water moved underneath my body. I felt it soak against my burns. But the salt didn't hurt. I could hear the breeze blow against my ears. The sunlight faded away and I opened my eyes. Clouds covered the sun. I smiled slightly. It's peaceful.

I kept looking at the sky and noticed something flying directly above me. It looked like a bird. I smiled and closed my eyes again. The sun began to beat on my face again. I took a deep breath and took in the feeling. I turned my face slightly and opened my eyes again. I looked at the water. It was a deep blue. I couldn't see land anywhere. I looked back up as the sun disappeared in the clouds again.

The bird was bigger. It was closer now. I squinted my eyes. It was... big. Very big. I closed my eyes again. I waited a few minutes before opening my eyes again. The bird was much closer. I stopped floating on my back and looked up. It... wasn't a bird. It's wings were red. Hawks? No. That isn't Hawks. He looks... diffferent. Who is that? He has a scar on his cheek.

He flew down towards me. I got out of the way. He flew into the water. But the water didn't move. Then I fell. I fell for about 10 seconds in nothing but darkness. Then I fell on the ground. The ground was water. I stood up and looked around. I saw the guy walk up to someone. A kid. He looked like... Hawks. But younger. He was very young. He was holding a doll of Endeavor.

The man walked up to him and Hawks looked up at him. "Keigo."

Kei...go? Hawks looked up at him with a blank face. But then the guy held his hand up at him. Hawks looked at it with horror and tried to move but the guy put his hand into a fist and punched him in the face.

I gasped and stepped towards him but someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around and saw Hawks. The current Hawks. He had his head down. He wasn't looking at me. Like he was ashamed. What was up with him? I looked down at his other hand. It was relaxed next to him. He wasn't moving. He just... stopped me from going near him and his father.

I looked back and saw Endeavor. He stood behind the older guy who I guess might be Hawks' dad. And then everything went away. Including the Hawks behind me. But then I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw run down house. I walked towards it. I heard a tapping sound. Like tapping on metal. I approached the door and held the handle.

I took in a deep breath before opening the door. I pushed the door open. It was heavy. I looked inside and saw a huge mess. It was dark. Paint peeled off the walls and flies flew around. It smelled like cigarettes. I coughed slightly and waved flies out of my face. I stepped in as the tapping got louder. I walked all the way in and closed the door. I looked around. I saw a door cracked open.

I walked up to the door and the tapping stopped. I lightly pushed it open and saw some dirty newspapers and a beat up matress in the corner with a dirty blanket and pillow. I opened the door all the way and saw that in the middle of the room, there was a large bird cage. And Hawks was inside of it. When he saw me, he slammed up against the bars and reached his hand out to me. He looked... terrified.

Then he yelled out to me as I slammed against the now closed door in fear. "HELP ME!"

I jolted awake, instantly sitting up. I breathed heavily. Then I looked over at Hawks. He was already awake. He was looking at me in confusion, slightly sitting up. I looked forward and calmed my breathing. I then got up and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door without saying anything to Hawks.

Hawks' POV

He slammed the door to the bathroom while I sat there, confused. He woke up a lot quicker this time. But... he looked at me... weird. Like he felt... relief... when he looked at me? I was about to get up and calm him down like I did almost every single night for the last 2 years. But then he woke up. I got up and walked over to the bathroom door. I knocked on it and got an immediate response. "Go away!"

I took a deep breath before speaking. "Are you... okay?"

It was silent. But then I heard him speak in a... meloncholy voice. "I'm fine. Just go away Hawks."

I straightended my posture and held my breath, trying to figure out what the right move was. But instead of doing anything, I just sighed and went back to my bed. He wasn't gonna listen to me no matter what I did.

Touya's POV

I curled my legs up against my chest with my back against the wall. I took in a deep breath as I heard Hawks walk away. I hate pushing him away. But... I have to. I have to try to make this feeling go away. I've already been heavily punished by Endeavor when he found out. I can't let that happen again. Especially because I have to go home tomorrow.

Fuyumi really wanted to see me. I haven't seen her in 2 years. Dad woudn't be there most of the time. I would be there for 2 days. I have to figure out how to cope. Maybe I could bring Akane.

Hawks' POV

I woke up the next morning to knocking on the door. I opened my eyes and sat up. I Todoroki walk to the door and open it. I instantly felt uncomfortable as I saw Akane walk in. She had gotten a haircut a little bit ago so now her hair was too her shoulders. She smiled at Todoroki as he grabbed his bag. Oh right. He was going home this weekend.

They both walked out of the room and I overheard them talking once again. I heard Akane speak first. "So your dad just doesn't care about you having friends anymore."

I heard a pause before he responded. "Yeah. I can be friends with whoever I want now."

I sighed. If that's the case... then why did he still push me away?

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