Chapter Six: Parallel Beginnings

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Tom sat in his room, thinking about Janna. He had enjoyed spending time with her that one time boot sledding but had never thought of her as anything more than a friend. However, during that outing together, he had begun to see her in a different light. The thought of being in a relationship with her was weird, cause at the time, he was with Star, and during that time he could see that the Star he knew wasn't there, her time on Earth had changed her, Tom should have saw this coming, but he didn't he tried to hold onto something that was no longer the same, he was recapturing the good 'ol days.

When Star didn't circle anything for their trip, Tom's knew at that point, Marco was the one for Star, he ended up going on that trip solo, through many dimensions, he passed through dimensions like a world of amphibious creatures and a world where its people, reside on a huge corpse, surrounded by water that could melt the skin off anyone who treads it, granted he only passed through, never intending to stay for a while, he did relax in some, during his trip, all he had was his thoughts, it stressed him, decisions conflicting one another, but after a while he focused on them and soon came to a decision, his thoughts about Janna started to cloud him, it was then and there he knew what to do, but first he had to something he knew would go badly but had to be done, as his best bud Marco would say, "rip the band aid off and you'll feel better.

After several days of contemplation, Tom finally decided to return to Earth, instinctively knowing Star would there, (cue the rooftop picnic we see in Sad Teen Hotline) Tom had expected Star's reaction to the news, but he couldn't truly say why, he lied, well not exactly, he danced around the truth when telling Star, but soon after he encountered another problem, he couldn't return home, his flame portal wasn't allowing him to return to the underworld, (cue the remaining events of Sad Teen Hotline and all episodes from there to now).

The Cleaving was something Tom didn't expect, yet here it is, it was something challenging to adjust to but he's been able to deal with it, but now he was back to his thoughts of Janna.

That brings us to now, once again, Tom is in his room, laying on his bed, he doesn't know what to do, he sits there thinking how he can wow Janna, but he barely knows her, sure they hung out every now and then, but that usually with Star and Marco.

Just then Tom had an idea, he'll ask Star and Marco for advice, since they know Janna better than he does and are a couple as well, so he called up Marco first, luckily Marco picked up.

Tom, what's up buddy, Marco said.

Hey, Marco is Star with you, I need to talk to both of you about something, Tom replied.

Right here Lucitor, so what's up with you? Star replied. 

Well, it's about Janna......

As Tom was about to continue, Marco and Star interrupted, knowing what he was going to say next.

You want dating advice and want to ask out Janna, they both said in unison.

Tom shocked with their response, asked, how did you know what I was going to say, he asked the couple.

Dude, you were worried about where she was immediately after the Cleaving, we saw that look on your face, also do you want us to bring up what you were going to do during Christmas and Star's 16th Birthday, Marco responded.

No, no, please don't bring that, up, Tom irritatingly said.

Fine, we won't, but what advice did you want to ask Star and I about, Marco said.

Yeah Tom, what advice did you want exactly, Star asked.

I don't know her as much as you guys do, I want to make it perfect, but don't want to mess it up, I mean, how exactly do you impress Janna, Tom pointed out.

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