Chapter 52

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Both of them jump like they've had a shock when I open the door. Kate is momentarily frozen in surprise at my appearance and Cheryl uses her sudden lack of movement to struggle out from underneath her. She staggers back as quickly as possible, almost falling over until her back hits the wall.

That's when I know something is wrong.

Cheryl is crying, breathing very fast. And her vest top she wears for bed is ripped, one of the straps torn, leaving her shoulder bare.

'Kimba this isn't what it looks like it's not, get her out of here please.' Cheryl says in a rush.

I find my voice, my eyes on Kate. 'What the hell are you doing here?'

She doesn't answer. She stands up slowly, straightening her dress.

'Answer me.' I demand. 'What the hell d'you think you're doing here?'

'Ask your girlfriend.' Kate says.

I'm too stunned to stop her as she stalks past me, slamming the door behind her. Automatically I look at Cheryl. She seems to be sliding down the wall.

'Please lock the door Kimberley.' She begs.

'What just happened?'

'Lock the door, please, please...'

I turn around and lock the door, realising she won't say anything else until I do. 'Answer me.'

Cheryl shakes her head and finally falls to the floor, bursting into tears.

I can't get the image out of my head from when I first entered the flat, but I make my way to Cheryl, kneeling next to her. 'Cheryl...' I begin, but my voice trails off. My eyes travel up and down the parts of her body I can see, with her having her face buried in her arms, which are wrapped around her knees.

On her shoulder where the ripped strap used to rest, there are distinct bite marks. They aren't standing out yet, but they will be. There are scratches on her left arm, deep enough to have drawn blood.

'Cheryl look at me... Cheryl. I need you to talk to me.'

I don't expect to get anything out of her straight away, but Cheryl suddenly jerks up, shuffling right up close to me and gripping my arm.

Her mouth is bleeding too.

'I-I'm so s-sorry...'

'What happened?'

'I'm sorry Kimba...'

'Cheryl why was she here, what happened?'

'I never meant it to happen I swear Kimba I didn't I'm sorry--'

I briefly close my eyes and count to ten, taking a deep breath. 'I don't understand what you're talking about Cheryl.' I say firmly. 'I need to know what's going on.'

Once again I look her up and down, notice this time not just bite marks on her shoulder, but on her neck too. I raise my hand to touch them and she jumps.

'Cheryl we need to go to the hospital, now.'

'No, n-no.' Cheryl gasps. 'No I need to explain-she was h-here - I didn't mean to, I never - I--'

'Cheryl listen to me ok? Can you just listen to me?'

Cheryl nods, tears still pouring down her face.

'I don't know what you're talking about and I'm really, really scared, and I'm not really thinking straight... But I think I know what I just walked in on... Nod your head and tell me I'm right and we'll go to hospital right now then call the police, and if there's something else, which I think there is, we can talk about it another time. So am I right?'

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