Chaptr 29

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I wait patiently with our cases while Cheryl says goodbye to Sarah. We've decided to go back to Newcastle, to be there for her family on her brother's birthday.

'You don't have to come with me.' Cheryl had said as we packed.

'Of course I do, I'm not gonna leave you now am I?'

'I know, but... well, you could stay out here... or go to my place in London... and wait for us. I don't want you to feel I'm making you come.'

At this point, I had stopped what I was doing and stood in front of her, my arms folded, looking purposely angry. 'Tell me you don't need me, and I will happily go and chill out on the beach while you carry on packing.'

Cheryl had hung her head then, and murmured, 'I do need you. I don't think I can do it on my own.'

'There you go then.'

I watch as Sarah gives Cheryl a long, tight hug, then beckons me to her. When I reach her she hugs me tightly too. 'It's been great meeting you honey.' She says sincerely.

'You too, you mad person. Good luck with staying off the sauce while you're carrying little one!'

'Hey, sshhhh! Someone might hear you!'

'There aren't any paps around. You're safe. Anyway... guess I'll see you at the wedding!'

'Actually, it might be a bit sooner than that.' Sarah grins.

'What d'you mean?' Cheryl says.

'Well, Tommy and I have been talking... we reckon we've outstayed our welcome in LA. We want to come home and have the baby in the UK.'

'Oh my God, that's amazing! Seriously?!' Cheryl squeals.

'Yes, seriously! We wanna be close to our families when babby arrives.'

'Got the babysitting duties sorted already haven't you?' I laugh.

'Totally, and you two can add yourselves to the list aswell.' Sarah winks. Again, she hugs us both, and as we grab out bags and start walking, she calls, 'Kimba! You better look after my best mate, got it?'

She laughs as she says it, but I sense the seriousness, and just smile. 'Course I will. Just you worry about yourself from now on.'

'Oh I am, don't worry. I'm already having nightmares about giving birth!'


I'm drifting off to sleep on the plane when Cheryl starts stroking my arm. 'Thank you for doing this with us, babe.'


'You know, coming to this thing with us. You didn't have to...'

'Cheryl, come on. Did you really think I'd let you do it alone? I know how hard it's gonna be for you.'

'I know, just... it means a lot, honestly.'

'Don't worry about it. And anyway, where else am I gonna go?' I smile, leaning against her shoulder. 'I want to be where you are, no matter where that is.'

'When did you get so totally adorable?' she giggles. 'Anyway, keep it down, if anyone on this flight hears us talking like this...'

'True.' I yawn.

'By the way... I dunno how successful things were about me flying back staying a secret... so there might be paparazzi at the airport when we land.'

'I don't care about that.'

'Just warning you.'

'Don't worry, I promise not to kick off and break any more zoom lenses.' I say. Cheryl just laughs.

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