Chapter 24

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I've been sat at in the kitchen with my head on the table for ages now. Adam comes back in slowly. 'Where did Cheryl go?'

'Upstairs I think.'

'Right. Well... I'm gonna have to leave... very soon, in the next few minutes. Have you... thought about, maybe--'

'I'm not coming with you, Adam.'

Adam sits next to me. 'Why not?'

'Because... Cheryl needs me.'

'Cheryl needs you?' he repeats, confused. 'Why does she need you?'

'She... just does. And... I need her too. Adam...' I sit up and face him. 'I think I might be in love with her.'

Adam's eyes widen. 'Seriously?'

'I think so.'

'You have to be careful here Kimberley. I know what I said before, but... what if she doesn't feel the same?'

'She does. She told me she does this afternoon, when we were out.'


'Looks like you were right about her.' I laugh. 'But I don't know what to do.'

'How d'you mean?'

'She's a famous singer. I'm an ex-druggie nobody. I don't even know what she wants... the whole things just...'

'Kimberley.' Adam interrupts. 'If you feel the same way about each other, none of that will matter, will it?'

'I dunno...'

He smiles widely. 'Come on, sis. You've got a choice here. Come home with me and spend the rest of your life wondering what could've been. Or stay, and live it, with Cheryl.'

We're silent for a long time. 'You'll call me from home, won't you?'

Adam stands up, pulls me with him, and hugs me tightly. 'Every day. Don't get Cheryl to come down, I'll walk to the main road and flag a cab.'

'Are you sure?'

'Of course.'

'I'll walk with you then.' I insist, grabbing a thin jacket on the way out. 'You can help me figure out what the hell to say to her!'



I hear the door slam, and the silence seems to immediately start trying to suffocate me. I run downstairs, from room to room. She's gone. She's gone with him. She didn't even say goodbye.

She didn't even take any of her things. Was she that afraid to face me? I feel the mending pieces of my heart start to fall apart again, collapse and curl up on the sofa and just break down.



'Is that a cab? Yes! Right, I'm off.' Adam waits for the cab to pull up then turns to me. 'I'm gonna miss you.'

'Me too.'

'When d'you think you'll be home?'

'I'm not sure yet, but when I do you'll be the first to know. And by the way... I know what I said, but... I hope the baby's alright. Please keep in touch. Call me when you land, and when you get to hospital...'

'I will, sis. Listen... Adam takes my hands tightly. 'I love you, you know.'

'Don't be so soft.' I laugh. 'C'mere.' I reach up and give him a hug. 'Love you too though. Thanks for... being there, in the end.'

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