Chapter 25

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I fall asleep again sometime around 5am, after watching Cheryl sleep, worried she would have more bad dreams, but she was fine. She wakes me with gentle kisses along my shoulder, up to my neck and finding my lips. 'Cheryl... what time is it?'

'Nearly half ten.'

'Oh, that's alright then.' I groan, opening my eyes. She is leaning over me, smiling. 'I love waking up next to you.' I tell her.

'We've woke up together for ages now.' She giggles.

'It's different now though. Now I can kiss you good morning.' I pull her down on top of me and do just that.

'Hhmmm... you've got the most amazing lips.' She murmurs. 'I could kiss them all day.'

'I wouldn't say no.'

Cheryl's phone buzzes with a text and she swears.

'Leave it.' I tell her.

'What if it's Adam?'

'Oh... I forgot about him.' I laugh, feeling a bit guilty.

'D'you want to ring him? He'll have landed by now...'

'No, it's alright. He said he'd keep me informed.' I watch Cheryl lean over for her phone. 'Who is it?'

'Sarah, just saying hi, asks how you are... she's coming home tonight so she might come round tomorrow.'

I can't help noticing how nervous Cheryl sounds at this.

'Cheryl. You don't have to tell her, you know.'

'Tell her what?'

'About... us.'

Cheryl smiles and puts her phone back. 'Nah, I know, but... she'll have to find out eventually. And she's me best friend... apart from you of course.' She adds. 'I'm just nervous, it's gonna be weird.'

'D'you want me to be there when you tell her? Or shall I clear off?'

'That's up to you, babe.'

'No, if you want me there with you I'll be there with you.' I insist. 'Or if you want me out of the way so she can speak her mind...'

Cheryl laughs. 'Sarah will speak her mind whether or not your there, Kimba. She doesn't give a monkey's, if she's thinking it, she will say it.'

'Then I'll be there to defend myself.' I laugh.

'What makes you think you'll have to defend yourself?'

'Well, she's very protective of you... understandably, I know...'

Cheryl leans over me again, silencing me with a kiss. 'Stop worrying.' She whispers. 'Anyway... I'm gonna get showered, then book a table for tonight and find something to wear.'

'You need all day to find something to wear?'

'I haven't shown you me walk-in wardrobe yet have I?' Cheryl giggles. At first I think she's joking.

'Are you being serious?'

'Yep. Sex And The City style, baby!' she giggles. She gives me one last kiss before skipping off to the bathroom.


While Cheryl is in the shower I use the laptop, and I'm only aware of her presence when she slips her arms around my shoulders. 'What're you up to babe?'

'Looking for jobs in the area.'

'What?! Why?'

'Because I'm sick and tired of sponging off you.'

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