Part 26

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"I'M SO SORRY!" Y/N screams as she dashes out of the room. Confused and hurt the two boys don't move as they watch the girl run, her hair trailing after her.

"Killua, she doesn't mean it, does she?" Gon asks on the verge of tears. Killua doesn't answer, wanting to confer his friend but at the same time needing the confer himself.

"I-I don't know."

Running as fast as she can Y/N wipes away the tears streaking her face. "Gon, Killua." She can't think of anything else. "I'm so sorry." She bawls. Running through the endless streets of the city, she tries to escape what she's done. When she's arrived at the train station she hops on the leaving train, attaching herself to the side and sliding onto the roof. Being used to doing this with the phantom troupes she casually crosses her legs as the train speeds up. Taking her away from her friends.

"Y/N? Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU?" Gon and Killua circle the city, searching for their lost friend. After looking all night and half the day they meet back up, tired but not giving up.

"Killua, she's gone, isn't she?" Gon asks, hurt obvious in his voice.

"She's just farther away than we'd like." Killua assures him.

"Why? I don't get it, why would she go?" Gon asks no one in particular.

"I don't know, but we're going to find her. Promise." Hoping he can live up to that promise Killua guides the heartbroken Gon back to the apartment.

Y/N's stopped her crying a while ago, still perched on top of the train she waits for it to pull into the next station. "Gon, Killua, I'm so sorry, but I can't stay with you any more." With a broken heart she tries to push the continuous thoughts of her friends out.

"Your evil." Machi says with a sly grin.

"I did what I had to do, she would have never left and you know it." Kortopi responds, a strange lack of emotion lingers in her voice.

"Does she know?"

"Know it was us? No." A series of chuckles erupt.

"What are you two laughing about?" Phinks asks, bothered by how happy they are.

"We have an announcement." Machi whispers, acting like a little girl.

"What?" He grumbles, impatiently waiting for the reason.

"Y/N's coming home." Her smile grows larger than ever before. At first Phinks can't believe his ears but than a sneak of a smile appears and Machi laughs out loud with happiness.

"We should tell the others." Kortopi tells them. Soon a telepathic connection is made between all the troupe members, even the ones who are on a mission. Everyone listen carefully. Our little angles coming HOME! She scream/thinks. Soon smiles go all around, plastering on those who never smile.

"Kortopi, what are you saying? Does the boss know?"

"Well, we haven't told him yet. He's not part of this. It's going to be a surprise. I don't know if you can tell but he hasn't been the same without her."

"No, no, I've seen and I think this is going to be good, not just for the boss but for all of us."

Shizuku says what no one else could admit.

"Home sweet home." Y/N thinks out loud as she hops off the train, landing on the cement platform. Without looking around she follows her instincts home.

After walking for an hour Y/N ends up at the border of the abandoned and destroyed city she calls home. Walking to there usual hang out Y/N wonders if they've moved yet.

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