Part 17

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Y/N stands in the centre of the room. The abandoned building occupied by the phantom troupe members who sit around the room, most of them looking at her. She stands there, angry and sad, a dark aura emits from her, telling those who dare to stay away. But theses are the phantom troupe members and they don't care. Pakunoda approaches her, reaching her hand out to touch her.

"Don't touch me." She says angrily, her aura getting darker as she turns her head to give Pakunoda an evil glare.

"Got you." Feitan says as he pokes Y/N on the back. She turns toward him. His face mostly hidden by his cloths.

"Feitan." She growls. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU!" She yells and starts chasing Feitan around the room. Everyone laughs as they watch them. Than Y/N suddenly brakes off from the chase and runs to Sharlnark and taps him on the head. He looks up from his phone. "Got you!" She yells as she runs away. He smiles and puts his phone away, standing and tapping Machi. Soon everyone's running around, chasing each other. They play and laugh for a good ten minutes until Y/N runs to Chrollo and stops beside him. He doesn't look up form his book. She pokes him and says, "got you!" She than turns and runs away giggling. The room stops and everyone's silent except for Y/N's laughing. The boss puts his book down and is up in a second chasing Y/N around the large pillars. He ends up catching her in a bear hug.

"You sure?" He asks her, smiling. She laughs. "Come on guys, let's go out and eat." He says, straightening but still not letting go of Y/N.

"Yay!" She brakes away form him, "FOOD!!!" She yells and runs to the exit. Everyone smiles and follows her out. She runs around everywhere, in and out, around and around. "Piggy back!" She yells as she jumps onto Uvogin's back. He doesn't complain, but plays around with her until they get to the cars. When everyone climbs into the car Y/N jumps into the top of the first car. "LET'S GO!" She yells and points straight ahead.

"Ok." Chrollo says as he starts the car and drives. The second car does the same. They drive for a while. The street lights light up the dark street, there's no one around, but many cars are parked on the side of the roads. Y/N gets board in her spot on top of the car and swings down so her head is in the open driver's window.

"Hey Chrollo."


"Can I drive?" She asks, giving him a smile.

"Hm, no." He tells her, not taking his eyes off the road. She frowns and sits back up. Than she lights up and runs off the back of the car landing on the second one than jumping onto the road.

"Boss, she's gone." The driver of the second car tells him. He smiles. A few seconds later they hear the roar of an engine and a motorcycle come zooming past the second car and stopping beside the first car. Y/N looks at them.

"Race ya." She says and speeds off.

"Your on." The boss says as he grips the wheel and presses the gas. The three vehicles race each other until they get to the front of the restaurant. Y/N parked her motorcycle and jumps off, running to Chrollo.

"Come on come on come on." She says as she grabs his hand and pulls him into the restaurant. The eleven of them take there seats and order there food.

For the rest of the night everyone smiles and laughs and talk, enjoying themselves.

"Be right back." Y/N says as she jumps out of her chair and goes to the bathroom. Once she's gone the others start talking.

"It's funny how much we've missed her." Nobunage says. The boss smiles and nods.

"I have an idea." Sharlnark says. Everyone looks to him. "We should do something tonight, you know since it's the first night she's back and all." He smiles.

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