Part 2

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A loud sound of rock against rock erupts and echoes through the room, drawing everyone's attention towards its origin. Standing on a raised platform a tall man with a purple moustache and no mouth starts talking. "Welcome contestants to this year's Hunter exams." He greets. "I am your first examiner, if you wish to back out now please make your way to the elevator in the back." He waits for a few minutes, when no one moves he continues. "Very well. Like I said, I'm your first examiner, your first test is to follow me to where the second test will be taking place." He than turns and starts speed walking down a long corridor. Gon, Kurapika and Leorio all follow him, staying near the back of the pack, saying encouraging things to each other. Where as Y/N has started near the centre of the group. Their walk quickly turns into a jog.

I'm glad I don't know anyone who's taking the exam this year, well I sorta know Gon, Kurapika and Leorio. But no one else. Y/N's mind wonders to random places as she follows the examiner without question. This isn't that hard, I just hope I don't... Luck isn't on her side, ever. She suddenly trips and falls, hitting the ground with a THUNK. Since she was going at a rather fast speed, she skids on the concrete. Her arms are protected from her sweater but her knees get scraped up since she's only wearing shorts.

"Ow." She grumbles as she stands back up, wiping the dust off herself. The rest of the group continues running past her, not giving her a second glance. What she hadn't notice before was that almost everyone around her is huffing and puffing.

"Y/N." A familiar voice yells at her from behind. Before she has time to turn around a hand has grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into the run.

"Hey!" She says as she matches Gon's pace.

"Hi again." Gon smiles. "Your knees ok?" He looks down at her scratched up knees.

"Huh? Oh, they're fine." She shrugs it off. I didn't even feel it.

"HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S CHEATING!" Leorio yells behind Y/N and Gon. They both look back and see Leorio yelling at a silver haired boy riding a skateboard. The boy ignores Leorio and comes ridding up beside Gon.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi." Gon and Y/N greet him.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"I'm 13." Gon answers first.

"Same here." Y/N tells him.

"Huh, me too." He tells them and jumps off his skateboard doing a cool trick and catching it under his arm, matching Gon and Y/N's pace. "I'll run with you." He stats.

"Ok." Both Y/N and Gon's faces light up with a huge smile.

"I'm Killua by the way."

"I'm Gon and this is Y/N." Gon introduces both himself and Y/N.

"Hey! Don't you kids ignore me!" Leorio yells still annoyed.

"Be quiet old man, save your energy." Killua tells him coldly.

"Who are you calling old man?!" He yells, "I'm only a few years older than you guys." Everyone looks at Leorio with wide eyes.

"W-what?" Y/N asks, completely bewildered.

"I said I'm only a few years older than you." Leorio says again. No one says anything for a long time. Slowly Leorio falls behind and so do a few other people. Kurapika focuses on his breathing and Y/N, Gon and Killua talk, not even breaking a sweat.

Suddenly a huge amount of people start fall behind, some even collapsing and laying on the ground where they had fallen.

"I wonder how much longer we're going to have to run?" Y/N wonders out loud.

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