Part 6

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"Hello." A dark and cold voice says from the other side of the room. The five friends look over and see five hooded figures, there wrists have large metal locks on them.

"Hello!" Y/N yells back, giving them a big wave. The competition. She thinks.

Suddenly the voice come over the intercom, echoing through the large arena.

"You have made it to the prisoners of this tower. Chooses one of your members to fight in a one on one battle. Winner get a point. We are still going with majority rules so you only need three points to secure a pass." It says, than disappears.

"The first opponent will be going against me. The man that said hello says.

"I'll go." Y/N jumps off Killua's back, landing on one foot, still not testing her other one.

"What?! No!" Gon says.

"Yes, me. You don't want me as the tie breaker, trust me." She puts her hand on Gon's shoulder and hops her way to the arena along the bridge. As soon as she's on the platform the bridge reclines. Before turning to face her opponent Y/N give her worried friends a thumps up.

"Just give in! You don't have to fight!" Kurapika says.

"No way am I going down without a fight!" She yells back than looks at the man in front of her. His metal lock is off, left with his companions. He than slowly takes off his hood and cap, throwing it to the side. Y/N gasps and takes a step back, her mouth hangs open and her eyes are wide with shock.

"Remember me?" The man asks as he tilts his head and gives her a creepy smile. "You have any idea what you did to me? I'm going to make you suffer like you made me many years ago. But I don't want a death match, Chrollo wouldn't approve. Agreed? Now I propose a suffer match, first to surrender wins." His smile stays and his eyes don't leave Y/N. Y/N doesn't answer, but she gets into her fighting stance. Taking a deep breath and applying pressure to her right foot. The pain is bearable. "Really? Good. Now let's see if you've gotten stronger... Or weaker." He slowly puts away his smile. Y/N still stunned but now determined.

The fight begins. Y/N pulls out her knifes and runs to the man. She than appears behind him and kicks him in the back of the head, landing on her bad foot but dealing with it.

"I see you've gotten faster." The man says as he rubs the back of his head. "But not fast enough." He than turns to grab her, coming so close but missing her since she's ran to the edge of the arena. "Good good, but you still haven't really started." He smiles.

"I don't plan to." She says through her grinding teeth.

"What a shame, I was looking for it, you did give me this with it." He points to his left eye that has a huge scare running through it and a black eye patch. They fight a little longer, Y/N kicking and punching him, him stopping the attacks and doing counter attacks like throwing kicks and punches at her. She whips the slight amount of blood off the side of her mouth with the back of her hand. Than she pushes herself to the right when she trips. "Didn't see that there, did you?" He laughs and appears beside her, picking her up before she can get away. He than grabs her ankle and crushes it with his first. She screams. "I will give you one chance to surrender." He offers.

"Never!" She growls. He smiles.

"Good." He than throws her across the arena, smashing her into the ground, making a dent. She groans and try's to stand up but he than steps on her foot, braking the already broken bones.

"AHHHH!!!" She screams and drops down grabbing her foot. The man than drops down and wraps his hand around her neck, picking her up. Holding her up she gasps for air and scratches at his hand. Failing to get loose.

"Apologize." He tells her.

"SURRENDER!" Her friends yell none stop in the background but she doesn't hear them.

"Never." She breaths. His grip tightens and she starts to turn blue. Than he throws her to the ground. Making the stone of the arena break under her weight. She starts to cry and roles herself up into a ball.

"APOLOGIZE!" He yells and kicks her hard in the stomach, sending her rolling to the edge of the arena. She gasps for air again. He walks over to her and puts his foot on her open hand. "Apologize." He says again. She screams and try's to get his foot of her hand as he slowly crushes it.

"I'M SORRY!" She screams in defeat. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." She cries out.

"I know you are." He sneers and brakes her hand. As soon as the bones crack he takes his foot away and back up. Y/N cries and takes her broken hand in her other one. Than she stops and stands. "Now show yourself." The man says, longing for the moment.

"You wish." She breaths. His face turns angry and he goes for her again.

"Fine!" He yells. They have another five minute equal battle until he get an opening and grabs hold of her hood, pulling it off her head, chocking her. "I NEVER LIKED THIS SWEATER!" He yells and rips the sweater right off her body. "WHAT ARE YOU ALWAYS HIDING?!" He asks and rips her shirt off. Than the room freezes. "So that's it." He says in realization. "They really did a number on you, didn't they?" He asks, honestly looking for an answer. The room is silent. All that's heard is the stifled cries that come from Y/N. Than his soft face turns hard. "Than this shouldn't be hurting you at ALL!" He yells and angrily grabs her neck. She struggles to breath again, not able to talk. The man walks over to the edge of the arena and holds Y/N out. "Since you can't talk you friends will talk for you. Majority vote wins, X you surrender and I let Y/N go, she live. O you don't and I drop her, she dies." Instantly everyone presses X, Gon mostly smashing it. "You're no fun." The man frowns and brings Y/N around and drops her onto the rock, she has trouble breathing and holds her neck. The man turns and walks back to his companions.

"Y/N!" Gon yells and runs toward her. She than stands but keeps her back to her friends. Gon stops behind her and gives the back of her head a slight whack. He than hugs her. "Don't do that ever again! Ok?" He says. She doesn't answer but she nods. Gon does a small smile and puts Y/N on his back, carrying her back to there friends. By the time they get there Y/N has fallen asleep. Gon places her against a wall and backs up.

"Ah!" He yells and stares at her in shock, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio all do the same. This is the first time they have seen her stomach and it's horrifying. Gon than takes his jacket off and puts it over her, hiding her stomach. "My turn." He says and walks to the arena.

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