Part 1

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Y/N walks into the already crowded room. Her hood is up covering her face.

"Hello, and welcome to this years Hunter Exam." A small green bean guy says to her as she walks inside. "Here is your tag." He hands her a tag with the number 146 on it. "My name is Green bean." He continues to inform her.

"Thanks." She tells him still hidden under her hood. Without making eye contact Y/N slowly makes her way to the back wall. Being the clumsy Y/N she is she misses the man standing in front of her.

"Oh!" She says, shocked as she falls onto her butt. The sudden movement has made her hood fall off her head, revealing her pink hair. "O-oh, I-I'm sorry." She says to the odd looking magician. The magician quickly removes the anger on his face realizing the culprit is a young girl. Y/N stands and wipes the dust off her butt reputing her hood on.

"No problem." He says and turns around, blocking the girls view of his face. He smiles like crazy on the inside but outside he just looks natural. I have just found my first toy. He thinks.

Man! I've only been here for less than ten minutes and I'm already as clumsy as usual. Y/N frowns under her hood, whatever. She thinks to herself and continues making her way to the wall. Quickly perching herself on the ledge Y/N scans the crowd, quickly sizing everyone up.

Suddenly her attention is brought to the magician she bumped into earlier. He stands behind a man, there backs turned towards each other. "You should apologize when bumping into people." He says and the man falls to the ground. A number of cards sticking out of the back of his head. Several worried and shocked murmurs spread through the crowd, making Y/N feel uneasy being so open. She jumps down from the ledge and starts wondering through the crowd again. Thank god I apologized. She thinks.

"Hello there." A fat man says stopping in front of her. "I'm Tompa."

"I don't want any of the things you're going to give me. I don't want to talk with you. And I don't care whatever you have to say. I warn you now, if you come near me I will pull your tongue right out of your throat before you can take your last breath." With that Y/N walks right past the speechless Tompa. Dame she's scary, no way am I going to go near her again. Tompa thinks to himself as he looks around for his next pray, hoping none of them saw that episode.

"Ah!" Y/N yells as she falls towards the floor. Suddenly an arm wraps itself around her waist and pulls her back up to her feet.

"Carful." A voice says as the arm releases her and she turn towards her saviour. She finds herself looking at a rather tall boy with blond hair and grey eyes. She smiles and swings her hands behind her back, giving the boy a closed eyed smile. "Thanks." She tells him. His eyes widen slightly and his cheeks turn a shade lighter.

"Hey! You ok?" Another voice says behind her. She turns and sees a boy her age, his hair black and his eyes hazel.

"Ya, I'm fine." She tells him, still smiling.

"That's good." He says. Smiling as well, "I'm Gon." He tells her and sticks out his hand.

"I'm Y/N." She tells him and takes his hand, they shake.

"Y/N. I like that name."


"Watch where you're going!" A third voice says. Y/N turns and looks up at a tall man in a cheap suit, he holds a black briefcase.

"I'm sorry for dirtying your case, but it wasn't my goal to fall." She frowns at him.

"Hum..." He was going to say something again when he's interrupted.

"Y/N, are you cold?" Puzzled Y/N turns around and looks back at Gon.

"No." She tells him, "why?"

"Than why do you have your hood up?" He asks.

"Oh, well, um, I don't know."


"HEY!!! Don't you kids go ignoring me!" The tall man yells at them frustratedly.

"Leorio, leave them alone, it's obvious she didn't mean to trip over your briefcase." The blond person tells Leorio.

"Hump! Kurapika don't lecture me." He crosses his arms and gives Kurapika a mad glare.

"Well it's nice to meet you all, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio. And I am sorry about tripping over your case. See you later." Y/N waves as she walks off, disappearing through the crowd again. I like them. She thinks and smiles to herself, her hands now in her pockets.

"Is that the competition?" Leorio asks as he laughs, still watching the girl walk away.

"I wouldn't act to overconfident." Kurapika tells him, shaking his head but also watching the girl.

"Why did she leave?" Gon asks, innocent as usual.

"We'll probably see her later on during the exam."

"Oh, ok." Gon smiles and the three friends continue to talk, waiting for the exam to start.

Who's that girl? (Hunter x Hunter fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα