chapter 25

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* continue *
the next morning at the nypd


Clary, taecyeon and namjoon stand in front of the NYPD

taecyeon : All right, cards are on my desk. This shouldn't take long.

namjoon : All right.

taecyeon : Whoa, whoa, whoa. It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone.

CLARY: We'll wait here.

taecyeon walks away

namjoon : It sounded boring anyway.

taecyeon walks into his office

taecyeon : *to some colleagues*Hey.

taecyeon sits down at his desk and opens the bottom drawer. He is about to take the cards when Vargas and a team, including Ned Fisk, walk in.

FISK: Stop right where you are. Don't touch anything. Detective ok , I need your badge and your gun.

taecyeon : [to Vargas] Who's this?

Vargas doesn't respond and taecyeon hands over his badge and gun to Fisk. When Fisk is putting taecyeon 's stuff away, Vargas leans forward

VARGAS: His name is Fisk. Internal affairs. My hands are tied. You're gonna have to cooperate.

FISK: *about the badge and gun *Have ballistics run it through the system, see what pops up. *to taecyeon *You're coming with me. Let's go.


CLARY: I've got a bad feeling about this. What is taking him so long?

namjoon : I know a way we could find out. Just go in and see for ourselves.

CLARY: taecyeon told us to stay put, so that's what we're gonna do. * her phone rings*That's probably him now.

At that moment, namjoon sees the arrested taecyeon walking through the halls.

namjoon : I doubt it.

Clary sees that tyler is calling her. She declines the call

namjoon : Just so I'm clear, he did mention something about trying to avoid attention, right? From the looks of it, he's doing a terrible job.

CLARY: Circle members?

namjoon : *zooms in to see the badges*No, mundanes. Internal affairs officers.

CLARY: You can tell all that just by looking at them?

namjoon : I can tell all that by reading their badges.

namjoon shows Clary a rune

namjoon : Better than binoculars. taecyeon had his chance.

CLARY: Yeah.

namjoon : Let's go.

CLARY: Okay.


dinora'S ROOM
dinora is packing stuff in a wooden box. She looks at a picture of Meliorn and puts it in the box, which she puts under her bed.

now to jin and jhopesroom

jin and jhopes 'S ROOM]

[Robert knocks on the boys 's door.]

ROBERT: jin?jin !

dinora walks up to her father

ROBERT: Is everything okay?

dinora: Better than ever.

ROBERT: Is there something you wanna talk about?

dinora : No. All good.

ROBERT: Have you seen jin?

dinora: Um, no. Why?

ROBERT: He's supposed to fill out the incident reports for all the recent demonic activity.

dinora : I can do it.

ROBERT: I know you can, but the Clave—

dinora: Will be fine getting it from me.

ROBERT: Of course they will. I'll let your mother know that you're gonna handle this. I'm sure she'll be very glad to hear it.

dinora: Thanks.


shadowhunters a namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now