chapter 19

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[yoongi is in his room with jhope . dinora  enters.]

dinora : Mom's in rare form today.

jhope : She's been different since she got back from Idris.

dinora : If you say so. Same old judgmental Mom with me. Have you spoken to namjoon yet?

yoongi : He can call me when he's done chasing the little girl and—

dinora : yoongi , you need to call namjoon .

ROBERT: No "welcome home" for the old man?

jhope and yoongi : Max!

[Robert, the Lightwood father, and Max, dinora and yoongi and jhope's little brother enter. Max runs to yoongi and hugs him.]

dinora : Dad!

[dinora and Robert hug.]

yoongi : What are you doing back so soon?

MAX: Got in trouble in Mumbai.

jhope: Oh, what'd you do?

MAX: Nothing.

ROBERT: He started a fire with his stele during rune studies.

dinora : Max.

[dinora  hugs Max.]

MAX: I told you, I was hungry. I was trying to draw the Nourishment rune.

yoongi : Those two runes look nothing alike, Max.

MAX: Well, they do to me.

ROBERT: Max, go up to your room, open the Gray Book and look up the Extinguish rune.

[Max sighs and exits.]

ROBERT: Where is Clary choi ? Your mother said she's missing.

jhope : She's not missing. She's with namjoon .

ROBERT: We can't have that girl out of Institute control. The entire Shadow World is looking for her. It's a security risk. Get them both back here now.

[Hallways. yoongi is on the phone with namjoon .]

yoongi : *otp*You need to get back to the Institute.

namjoon : *otp*You need to help me first.

yoongi : *otp*No, I'm not messing around.

namjoon : *otp*Me either. I need your help.

yoongi : *otp*You okay?

namjoon : *otp*I'm fine. It's bangchan . He needs your powerful Shadowhunter energy, or something like that.

yoongi : *otp*bangchan ... Why does bangchan need me?

namjoon : *otp*To help save taecyeon's life.

yoongi : *otp*No, I told you at the wolf den, no more Downworlder business. We can't be seen as interfering with a pack alpha dispute. How can you even ask me—

namjoon : *otp*I shouldn't have to ask you, yoongi.We're parabatai.

yoongi : *otp*That's exactly my point.

namjoon : *otp*yoongi , you're a man of honor, and the only person in this world I would trust with something like this. I'm counting on you to do the right thing.

[ yoongi sighs and ends the call with namjoon .]

[bangchans' APARTMENT]

[bangchan is brewing a potion. Clary walks up to him.]

CLARY: What's all this for?

bangchan : The base for the potion. Stir. We need to have it ready before your boy toys get back.

CLARY: What if they don't get back in time?

bangchan : You can't think like that, biscuit.

CLARY: That's all I can think about. bangchan , I don't know if I can do this anymore. Okay, I'm an art student. All my adventures are supposed to be two-dimensional.

bangchan : Who says?

CLARY: Me. Look, it is one thing to draw monsters and demons, but it is completely different to see them up close and personal. I don't know what I'm doing.

bangchan : Don't sell yourself short. You forget, I've seen you in action, Clary choi.

taecyeon : Jocelyn! No, don't... don't... Wait, don't touch her.

[Clary goes to taecyeon .]

CLARY: taecyeon , I'm here. I'm here.

bangchan : Let me take your pain away.

taecyeon : No. No.

bangchan : Agitation only makes the venom work faster.

taecyeon : I need to tell Clary.

CLARY: Save your strength.

taecyeon : No, you need to know. No, please.

CLARY: bangchan , do it.

taecyeon : You need to tell her, all of it. Promise me.

[bangchan nods. He then uses his magic on taecyeon .]

bangchan : The poison is spreading. Your suitors need to hurry.

————————— TBC 😎😎😎

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