chapter 6

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[bangchan is leading the warlocks into a Portal.]

bangchan : Hurry up, warlocks. Last train to salvation.

[Dot runs in.]

DOT: bangchan! Hey. [She touches his shoulder.] Why haven't you answered my messages? Jocelyn's missing and I—

bangchan : I've been a little busy protecting our people from certain death.

DOT: What are you talking about?

bangchan: Jocelyn's brilliant plan is screwed. Valentine knows a warlock brewed the potion that put her to sleep. He's hunting warlocks down one by one.

DOT: What, so you're leaving?

bangchan : You've always been the quick study, Dorothy. It's our only choice until we know what Valentine is up to. Let's go.

DOT: No, I... I can't. I've been Portaling all over the city looking for Clary and my magic is dangerously low. I need your help.

bangchan : Are you really going to risk your life for a Shadowhunter?

DOT: This isn't us versus them, bangchan . If Valentine gets the Cup, we're all doomed.

bangchan : Valentine can't kill what he can't find. Last chance to save yourself.

[bangchan disappears into the Portal. Then the Portal itself disappears.]

[Dot walks out of the Pandemonium. Valentine's men have been waiting on her. They attack her.]

[Clary, tyler and the Shadowhunters walk on the street. Clary touches the necklace again. She sees Dot and the Circle members.]

DOT: [in vision] No!

CLARY: Dot. Dot!

[The gang runs to the Pandemonium.]

namjoon : Clary! Clary, stop! Where are you going?

CLARY: Two men, Circle members... the same ones who came to my house, who took my mom. They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We have to stop them!

[In the Pandemonium.]

CLARY: No. She was just trying to help me.

[Clary touches the necklace but she doesn't feel Dot anymore.]

CLARY: Now, she's gone.

tyler: [touching Clary's shoulder] Clary, I'm sorry.

CLARY: You don't understand. Dot's like my big sister.

taehyung : It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now.

CLARY: So, what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot, and we're just gonna give up? What about my memories? They can't just be gone?

namjoon : There's another option.

dinora: Don't even—

taehyung : Absolutely not.

namjoon : I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers.

CLARY: Who are the Silent Brothers?

namjoon : They're Shadowhunters with superior powers.

dinora : Who possess the ability to recover memories.

taehyung : A process that can also kill you, so there's that.

tyler: Your bedside manner is abysmal.

taehyung : [to namjoon] We've broken at least 18 Clave rules and now you want to go to the City of Bones? There's no way. I won't allow it.

namjoon : This isn't our choice to make. This is Clary's decision.

dinora : You can't ask her to do this. She doesn't know what she's facing. She's not prepared.

CLARY: If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories and still get the answers we need, I'm listening. [Everyone is silent.] That settles it.

namjoon : See? I told you she's one of us.

[Everyone gets ready to leave. dinora takes tyler's arm and walks out with him.]

they start to walk more till they arrive in the city of bones

hours later they arrive


[tyler drives the van to a place under a bridge. Everyone gets out of the van.]

tyler: Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all.

dinora : Don't tell me you're afraid.

tyler: Are you kidding me? I was born afraid... which sounded a lot better in my head.

taehyung : Let's check it out.

namjoon : [to Clary] Wait here a minute. I wanna see if it's safe.

[Clary and tyler stay behind for a moment.]

tyler: Why are we doing this? We don't even know these people.

taehyung : [to namjoon ] Hey. If something goes wrong... if something happens to her, that's on us. You know that, don't you?

namjoon : Yeah. And you know exactly what'd happen if Valentine gets the Cup before we do. She's lost everything, Alec. I know exactly what that feels like. And what's your problem with her, anyway? Your family always used to welcome strays.

taehyung : You were never a stray.

namjoon : The point is, nothing's changed. [He looks to dinora .] We're in this fight together. There's just... one more of us.

CLARY: [to tyler] I just wish my mom had trusted me enough to tell me about all this. [tyler looks like he disagrees.] What is it? What's wrong?

tyler: How are you not ultra freaked out by all of this?

CLARY: I guess I just always felt like there was something missing. Some void I couldn't quite explain. Things are finally starting to make sense. But none of it's gonna matter unless I get my mom back.

tyler: Then let's do that.

namjoon : Clary. Come on, it's all clear.

CLARY: Let's go.

shadowhunters a namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now