chapter 4

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*onward to the next part *


[Valentine is walking past some cages. In his hand is some kind of serum. Three of the suit-men appear, Jocelyn, floating in the air unconsciously, is with them.]

VALENTINE: [to Jocelyn] You've returned. I'm so sorry it had to be this way, Jocelyn. [to the men] I told you to bring her back unharmed. What happened?

MAN#2: A potion. She must have been under the protection of a warlock.

MAN#4: She was in league with a Downworlder, hiding amongst the mundane. Coward.

VALENTINE: Jocelyn Fairchild was able to hide from the Circle for 18 years. Do you think a coward is capable of something like that?

MAN#4: The only thing she's capable of is smelling like a mundane.

VALENTINE: I'm sorry?

MAN#4: She betrayed the Circle. She doesn't deserve our respect.

[Valentine jams the serum into the man's neck. His flesh starts burning and he falls onto the ground.]


[Clary is running towards her house.]

CLARY: Mom! Mom!

[She encounters blood on the street. She runs inside.]

CLARY: Mom! Mom...

[Clary sees all the mess and starts crying.]


[She takes an axe and walks through the house. Suddenly, she sees Dot.]

CLARY: Dot. [Clary drops the axe.]

DOT: They took Jocelyn.

CLARY: Who took her?

DOT: Rogue Shadowhunters searching for the Mortal Cup.

CLARY: What the hell are you talking about?

DOT: Think, Clary. Did your mother ever talk to you about a cup? A very important cup. It's gold, almost like a chalice.

CLARY: No! No, I don't know anything about a cup, Dot. One of the antiquities downstairs?

DOT: No, no, not those. Think, Clary. This could save Jocelyn.

CLARY: I can't think. Someone kidnapped my mother.

DOT: You know more than you think you do, Clary choi.

[Suddenly, Dot turns into a demon and she hits Clary. Just when the demon is about to attack again, a seraph blade is stabbed in its back. The demon vanishes and namjoon appears.]

namjoon : What, no "thank you" for saving your life? Careful. That demon got a piece of you.

CLARY: Demons?

namjoon: Yeah. What do you think that miserable, disgusting thing was?

CLARY: I, uh... I thought it was Dot.

namjoon: No, Ravener demon, shapeshifter.

CLARY: You're just saying words now. Why... why is the room swirling?

namjoon: Demon venom.

CLARY: Is that bad?

[Clary passes out, and namjoon catches her. He picks her up and carries her.]

namjoon: I got you.


[Clary is laying in a bed. She touches her necklace and sees her mother with Valentine.]

shadowhunters a namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now