chapter 21

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bangchans ' APARTMENT]

CLARY: Tell me what? What's so important that taecyeon risked his life?

bangchan : Everything Jocelyn hoped to hide from you.

[bangchan  makes a sketchbook appear.]


bangchan : When you were younger, I'd watch you sketching. It was your bliss. You're gonna need some bliss now.

CLARY: Back then, there wasn't a day I didn't draw. It was like breathing. Now, I look at this blank page and I barely even know what to do. Sometimes I feel like my art, my memories... my life, it... it all vanished with that Memory Demon.

bangchan : Your art, everything you are... they're all still here. You're the woman your mother always knew you could be.

CLARY: But tried to keep me from being.

bangchan : That's why you need to know how you got here.

CLARY: Will it help me find my mother?

bangchan : That's the only reason I can think of why taecyeon would be so adamant.

CLARY: I'm ready. Bring it, warlock.

[Clary is telling while bangchan is telling stories about Valentine and Jocelyn.]

bangchan : When I first heard about your father, around the time he and Jocelyn first got together, long before the Uprising and the Circle, Valentine elevated the Morgenstern name to be synonymous with virtue.

[Flashback of a young Valentine, young Jocelyn and young taecyeon . Young Valentine is talking to other Shadowhunters in the park.]

YOUNG VALENTINE: Defenders of the Accords, allies to the Downworld. This is who we are!

bangchan : [voiceover] And your mother was at his side.

YOUNG VALENTINE: We must never violate our oath.

YOUNG JOCELYN: Because this is our sacred duty.

[Valentine takes Jocelyn's hand.]

bangchan : But by the time my people came to know him, barely two years later... his name had become synonymous with devastation. Your mother told me it was then she first saw the signs.

YOUNG JOCELYN: Val... Are you hurt? [Jocelyn checks out the blood on Valentine's face and neck.] Talk to me. Whose blood is this?


YOUNG JOCELYN: They attacked you? Where? When? [Valentine doesn't respond.] You've broken the Accords.

[Valentine sits down on the park bench.]

YOUNG JOCELYN: I'll talk to my father. He knows the Law better than anyone. Sometimes it isn't clear who instigated the fight.

YOUNG VALENTINE: The Accords are a fallacy. Everything about them, down to the blasphemous magic that binds us all to their stupidity.

YOUNG JOCELYN: The Accords guarantee peace.

YOUNG VALENTINE: We are Shadowhunters. We don't make peace with demons.

YOUNG JOCELYN: Downworlders are half human.

YOUNG VALENTINE: And half-demon! Shadowhunters kill demons. I'm fulfilling our destiny.

bangchan: They never found all the bodies. We'd all stood with the Clave for centuries.

CLARY: How could that not matter to him?

bangchan: He was obsessed with ensuring the purity of blood. Convinced that the impurities were a threat to peace.

CLARY: He was the threat to peace.

bangchan: Madmen rarely make sense. Mostly, they just hate. And he hated the Downworlders, for the gifts that we possess that he could not have. He hated us enough to kill us all.

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