chapter 22

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* continue *
now to the institude

Robert and Maryse are walking through the halls. dinora  hears them talk.]

MARYSE: It's not like dinora can do it.

ROBERT: You're too hard on her.

MARYSE: And you're too soft on her. It has to be jin. He'll adapt.

[dinora opens the door.]

dinora : Adapt to what?

MARYSE: It's not your concern.

ROBERT: Maryse, this is a family decision.

MARYSE: This is our only option. Get on board, Robert!

[Maryse walks away.]

dinora : She's been like that all day. What's going on?

[Robert gives dinora  a present. She sits down on her bed and opens it.]

ROBERT: You know, ever since you were little, this has been my favorite part of coming home.

dinora : Why?

ROBERT: Just to see your face like that.

[The present is an Idris cookbook.]

dinora : You trying to tell me something?

ROBERT: No, not at all. You're perfect.

dinora : I love it. But I'm still gonna ask you what that was about.

ROBERT: If the Seelies change sides, we have no hope of defeating Valentine.

dinora : There has to be something we can do.

ROBERT: You know the Seelies better than anyone. I'm not judging you. It's a fact. It's an asset. You and I need to convince the Clave of what's coming. But... after all the unsanctioned missions that your brothers  authorized while we were away...

dinora : namjoon was protecting Clary. We all were. That's what the Clave wanted.

ROBERT: You went rogue. And now the Clave thinks our family honor is beyond repair. The Lightwood name only has meaning because of all the people who have fought for our cause, we were among the bravest. The best of the Shadowhunters.

dinora : And now they think we're not anymore. We'll do better. my brothers and I, we'll restore the family name and our honor with the help of the rest to help like ateez and straykids .

ROBERT: Then you need to understand the honor comes from the deed. It's not a simple proposition to restore it. It's gonna require a tremendous sacrifice.

now to bangchan apartment


Bangchan starts to looking through Clary's sketches.

CLARY: Ever since my mother was kidnapped, and the Shadow World invaded my life, so many Downworlders have helped me, not even thinking about what it might cost them. How could Valentine not see any good in any of them?

bangchan : He was blinded by his ambition.

CLARY: Why didn't the Clave stop him?

bangchan : He was clever. He and his followers, they managed to convince the Clave that the Downworlders they killed on their special missions had violated the Accords in some way. Complete fabrications.

CLARY: How could the Clave not see?

bangchan : Shadowhunters believe in the law as absolute. They could never conceive of one of their own going astray.

shadowhunters a namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now