chapter 3

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The woman in the purple dress walks through the club. She is followed by Jimin jungkook namjoon and dinora

WOMAN#2: More mundane blood for your boss.

The woman exchanges her package with two guys in suits.  then Clary, tyler and lisa jennie jisoo rosè walked into the club.

tyler: I'm gonna go fail at getting us some birthday drinks.

jennie lisa jisoo rosè : were gonna go fail with you.

tyler: Do you want some... Clary!

[Clary continues to follow namjoon .

Meanwhile they see bangchan enjoying some cocktails with company. The two men in suits have noticed Clary now. At that moment, bangchan approaches the men in suits.

bangchan : Circle members aren't allowed in my club.

MAN#1: No worries, warlock. It's all ancient history.

bangchan : Really? To me, it was like the blink of an eye.

[bangchan' cat eyes appear and blue smoke comes from his hand. He chokes one of the guys.]

MAN#2: We've endured worse.

bangchan: You've inflicted worse. Leave.

jimin jungkook and dinora  walk into a separate room. The curtain closes.

namjoon: dinora!

dinora stands on a platform and takes off her coat and her wig. As she starts dancing, guys walk towards her. Meanwhile, Clary takes the arm of a guy about to walk through the curtain.

CLARY: Somebody works out. Cool contacts.

namjoon stands behind the woman in the purple dress.

namjoon: I hear you've been pedaling mundane blood.

WOMAN#2: Why? Are you looking to score?

namjoon : I'm not. But you're gonna tell me who is.

WOMAN#2: Well, you're outnumbered here.

namjoon: Oh, I like our odds. Last chance.

The blade in namjoon hand appears and lights up

CLARY: Watch out!

Clary pushes the woman away from namjoon . She falls onto the couch and when she turns her head, her mouth has transformed into one of a demon.

namjoon: Careful!

[namjoon pushes Clary away; she slides over the floor. then jungkook runs and slays the demon and she burns up into nothingness. Another man is about to attack namjoon. but he is hold back by dinora. who uses her whip as a weapon.

namjoon : *to Clary*Are you hurt?

More demons attack namjoon and his sword falls onto the couch. Clary picks it up, and the blade lights up. When namjoon pushes a demon into the sword, Clary is shocked. dinora , jimin and jungkook and namjoon continue to slay the demons. Clary runs out of the room, totally frightened. She bumps into bangchan .

CLARY: Sorry.

bangchan then recognizes Clary and remembers taking her memories. Clary is on her way out and ignores her friends who are standing by the bar.

tyler: But... Clary! Clary!

Clary steps into a taxi to go home. The two men in suits watch her drive away.

shadowhunters a namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now