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It was late and I got a text from Sarah, which was weird.

Sarah: Kie got in a car accident. She's in the hospital. Come ASAP

I dropped everything and I sped to the hospital. When I arrived, Cole was there and they wouldn't let me in. Sarah was in the waiting room and she came over to me.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked as I grabbed my chest

My chest hurt, my heart was racing, and I couldn't breathe. Not only could I lose Kie we could lose our baby.

Sarah sat me down and calmed me down, "She was hit by a drunk driver. She's okay right now. Cole called Topper and Topper called me. John B is on his way and so are Pope and Cleo"

Sarah and I sat in the waiting room and John B, Pope, and Cleo all came to wait with us. Kie's parents were here giving us all nasty looks.

My anxiety was through the rough and I couldn't tell anyone why. Cole came out of the room and he said, "So Kiara is okay. Just severe bruising, some whiplash, and a concussion. But she's pregnant, doctors think she is a little over three months. I had no idea, but I'm going to be a father if the baby makes it"

"Aww, Cole! That's so exciting!" Sarah said hugging him

"Holy shit, Kiara is going to be a mom" Cleo said

"Is the baby okay?" I asked frozen

"They don't know right now. I'll keep you guys posted"

"Congrats, Cole!" Pope said

"Thanks, it means a lot!" Cole said smiling

"Can we see Kie?" I asked

"Not tonight, she's loppy from all the meds and pretty shaken up" Cole replied firmly

"We are her family" I said standing up to Cole

"JJ, drop it. We can see her when she's ready" Pope said trying to calm me down

John B looked at me and I was ready to explode. The love of my life was laying in a hospital bed carrying my baby who might die and this bastard wasn't letting me in.

I was ready to scream and tell him it was my baby and punch him. But it had to come from Kie for him to believe it. I couldn't take this anymore. I walked away from everyone and I ran outside and I threw up.

I got on my bike and I was speeding to my cabin. I grabbed my secret stash of weed and I started smoking to calm me down. I've never been this freaked out before. I was having a complete panic attack and the only one who could save me was Kie.

I grabbed a beer and I slammed it. I drank another and then another. I saw a bunch of texts show up on my phone. I was way too high to respond. Thankfully, I passed out.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like shit. I read the messages and the baby was okay for now. I also saw that Kie had texted me. I didn't even know what to say to her.

I cleaned up the bottles and can and I hid the weed stash. I took a shower and I chilled at the cabin for a few days to collect myself. Kie was out of the hospital and she was on bed rest. I drove to her house and I knocked on the door Cole and her parents were downstairs.

"JJ, what are you doing here?" Anna asked me

"I need to see Kie" I said shaking

"She doesn't need visitors right now" Mike said turning me away

"She's my best friend" I said walking in and going up to her bedroom

She was laying in bed wrapped in the blanket from my cabin. It made me smile and I was now crying.

"You're okay" I said seeing her

"Yeah" She smiled back

I walked over to her and hugged her. I could finally breathe again. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and our hug broke apart I looked at her and she grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach. My breathing slowed down even more.

"We're okay" She whispered

"I'm sorry for taking off, I was just so fucking scared and I needed you but they wouldn't let me in"

"Do they know?" She asked

"No" I said quietly

"We should tell them"

"Right now?" I asked

"Yeah, let's tell them" She said pulling me in for another hug

Cole walked in the room and he said, "Back the fuck up from my fiance"

"Cole, please don't be mad. He's my best friend me almost dying is kind of a big deal" Kie said

"Well, I'm leaving. Text me later" I said leaving as I totally got freaked out to tell Cole that was my baby and not his

I went to the chateau and told John B that I went to see Kie. He asked how she was doing and we talked. I spent the night there and A few days later, Kie texted us in the group and said the baby was still doing good and wanted us to come over. Cole and her parents wouldn't leave her alone which pissed me off.

Finally, her parents left and I went and sat next to her on the couch. She leaned over and whispered, "It isn't a good time right now to tell them"

So we weren't telling anyone the baby was mine. needed to talk to her alone later. We just all sat on the couch and talked.

I left the with pogues that night and that night Kie texted me. She asked me to meet her on the beach at 2am. I did and she was waiting for me when I arrived.

She walked up to me and she was crying. I pulled her into my arms as I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel the baby bump between us.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"We can't tell them about the baby. I want to and I promise you we will. But not right now I'm in a huge legal battle with the accident. This needs to stay a secrect." She said strict and I didn't question it

"Please just remember that's my baby and not his"

"I promise.." She said and I put my hands on her stomach and I kissed her growing bump

I held her in my arms and I wanted to confess my love to her right here. Tell her that I loved her and that I was all in. I love Kie and I love our baby. But I chickened out.

She told me more about the tests they ran and the plan for the baby. She was making her birth plan right now. I walked her back home and then I went to the chateau and crashed there for the night.

Five Years Later • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now