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Kie's POV:

The next few weeks passed by and today I was with Cole and we were meeting John B at JJ's to hang out. Cole wasn't thrilled as he didn't like the pogues, but he said he'd do it for me. We pulled up to JJ's house (Luke's).

When I arrived, I saw Luke and JJ were arguing in the kitchen. Thankfully, Cole was on the phone in the car.

"Kie, get out now" JJ said but it was too late, Luke was walking toward me

"Well, if it isn't Anna jr." He chuckled

"I'm nothing like my mother, just like your son is nothing like you" I said looking him right in the eyes

"You piece of shit" He said and JJ pulled Luke back and he got punched

Luke and JJ were in a massive fight and I tried to break it up but JJ screamed at me to get away. I knew he didn't want anything to happen to the baby. He was laying on the floor with Luke on top of him. I was crying and I walked over to Luke and JJ and JJ just screamed, "GET THE FUCK AWAY KIE!"

I backed up and I have never heard him scream at me like that before. It scared me. Thankfully, John B and Cole came inside and they were yanking Luke off of JJ. They brought Luke to the couch and he took off running. I ran to JJ who was laying on the floor.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" JJ asked all concerned about me

"I'm fine, you aren't" I said looking at how awful he looked

"Cole, get me a first aid kit"

"Shouldn't we call the cops?" Cole asked

"No, he's gone" John B said

"Can we go to my room?" JJ asked in pain

"Yeah" I replied

John B helped JJ to his bed and I sat down next to him. Cole handed me a first aid kit. I opened it and I looked at JJ's bruises that were already formed his cracked and bloody lip, and the blood dripping from his nose. He looked like he was in so much pain.

Cole and John B left the room. They were going to clean the blood off the floor and get ice for JJ. We were alone for just a minute and JJ's hand went to my stomach and he said, "I'm sorry for yelling, I just needed to keep you both safe"

"I know, but right now please let me take care of you" I whispered

I began cleaning his cuts and wiping the blood, and Cole came and brought JJ ice for his knuckles.

"Kiara, you think John B can take over so we can head out?" Cole asked

"I can't leave him here right now, I need to stay with JJ and John B."

"Okay, I'm going to go as work is blowing up my phone. I love you, baby" He said kissing me before he left

John B helped me finish cleaning JJ up. JJ put a new shirt on and he just laid in bed John B announced he was going to go grab a pizza. He left in the twinkie and JJ and I were alone. He pulled me into his arms so I was laying between his legs and my back was on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and his hands were on my stomach.

We stayed like this for a few minutes and I said, "Now isn't the right time to tell Cole. Let's wait for you to heal and then we'll tell him"

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes" I said and we laid there in silence

I looked at JJ and he looked into my eyes and he said, "Thank you for taking care of me"

"I can't ever lose you"

"You won't, I promise" He said kissing the top of my head and it caught me off guard

Suddenly, we heard John B come back in and I quickly moved out of his arms. We got in the twinkie and we went to the chateau just in case Luke came home. We ate the pizza and I spent the night over there making sure JJ was okay and that he didn't do anything stupid.

"Are you guys cool both staying out here?" John B asked

We both said yes and JJ was in the chair and I was on the couch. The famous pullout couch was gone and replaced with a nicer couch Sarah picked out.

Once John B and Sarah were in bed JJ found his way over to the couch and he cuddled with the bump all night long. It calmed him down which helped me to relax. He was whispering things to the baby that I couldn't hear. I wish I knew what he was saying.

He fell asleep with his head resting on my stomach and I took a picture of how he was sleeping. It was adorable. He loved this baby so much. I fell asleep too and in the morning, we got up before Sarah and John B.

"Kie, can you take me to the cabin?" He asked

"Of course, can we stop and get food on the way?"

JJ agreed and we stopped and got breakfast and then I drove him out to his cabin. I dropped him off and then I headed back home to Cole. I walked inside and Cole asked, "How is JJ?"

"He's okay, we spent the night at John B's"

"You spent the night with JJ?" He asked concerned

"We both slept at John B's. John B and Sarah were there, I slept on the couch and JJ slept in the extra bedroom" I clarified for him

"I'm glad he's okay. That fight looked intense. JJ seemed pretty protective over you."

"In high school, he'd get into fights. There were times at parties when I would have to break them up. One time the guy JJ was fighting ended up punching me instead of JJ. I think he was just worried that his dad would hurt me. He doesn't like others getting involved in his fights"

"Well you've known from day one how I feel about JJ. Maybe it's best if you just stop hanging out with him"

"He's my friend, Cole. He might do some stupid things at times but he's not a bad person"

"I just don't trust him and I don't ever want him to hurt you. You have no clue what he is capable of"

"JJ would never hurt me" I said in a super serious voice because that was the truth. JJ had never hurt me. He's super gentle and protects me from everything. He's vulnerable with me and only me. That boy couldn't hurt me even if he wanted to.

"Just be careful" Cole said kissing me as he walked upstairs to take a shower

Cole was upstairs in the shower and I went and sat on the couch and put my hands on my growing stomach and asked, "What the hell am I going to do?"

Five Years Later • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now