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Kiara's POV:

I woke up around 8 am, got dressed, made breakfast, and then Sarah and Cleo came over for a girl's day. Sarah asked about JJ and I told her that we still weren't speaking. She brought up the fact that I had to tell him about my engagement.

I don't know why but that made me super nervous. I brushed the feeling off and Sarah and Cleo were gone. I got in my car and I drove to the Wreck.

I got a free meel from my parents and then I helped them out. They were asking about when Cole would be here. I said in less than a week. They were so excited to see him. They loved Cole because he fit into the kook life.

I went home and tried to unpack, but I couldn't. So I watched a movie and then fell asleep.

The next evening, it was around midnight and I was in bed. My phone rang and it was JJ.

"J?" I said half asleep

"Can you come get me?" He asked 

"Yeah, where are you?"

"My house." He said as he hung up

I grabbed my keys and I drove to his house. JJ was there waiting. His face was bloody and bruised. He got in my car and I asked, "What the hell happened?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it. I just need a ride to John B's or Pope's."

"Then why didn't you call one of them?" I asked 

"I'm not talking about it..." He said looking out the window

I drove past John B's and Pope's. JJ didn't say anything. I went to my house and we went inside. JJ didn't say anything and all my medical stuff was still boxed up. He sat on a stool next to the counter and I went to did through the boxes in my bathroom to get the supplies.

I came back started cleaning his wounds. He hated this part. I lifted his shirt off and he had bruises on his ribs. 

"J, what happened?" I asked as I put ice on his ribs

"My dad came back last week. He got arrested about three years ago in Mexico and he did his time and they sent him back here. Of course, he blamed me... I was free from him for five fucking years and now here we are like we're back in high school" He said not making eye contact

"Fuck him, seriously he doesn't deserve you."

"It's whatever... Thank you for coming and doing this..." He said getting up

"You can't go back there"

"I have nowhere else to go. In case you haven't noticed, my life hasn't changed since graduation. I still live on the cut, I still have no money or a kook job."

"You can stay here, anytime..." I said

He argued and said no and I argued back and said, "You don't have a choice. Come on.."

We went upstairs and I was looking at the huge bruise on his stomach that I didn't notice before. I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and I whispered, "I missed you"

JJ broke the hug and I said, "Sorry since I just moved in, this is the only bed in the house."

I laid down and JJ laid down on the other side of the bed. It was a huge bed and I didn't even know he was there. I rolled over and he was facing me. 

"Goodnight, JJ" I said rolling back over to avoid his perfect ocean blue eyes

A few minutes later, JJ moved over to me and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him so we were pretty much spooning. I laid there for a minute and then I rolled over so I was on my back and JJ was laying over me. He leaned down and he kissed me. 

I was so not expecting that. I didn't kiss him back before he pulled away.

"Sorry, that isn't why I'm here. I'm sorry.." He said still laying half on his side over me

I didn't know what to do either. All I knew was that I was screwed. I lifted my head towards JJ's and our lips touched again. This time, they were moving in synch and after a few seconds, my mouth opened and his tongue entered. JJ was an amazing kisser and I could do this all night. He started kissing my neck and this was the point of no return. 

He lifted my shirt off to reveal my bare chest. His shirt was already off and things got heated fast. He pulled me into his arms and he said, "I can't believe that just happened.."

"Neither can I..." I said as he kissed my forehead my heart melted 

We laid there without saying anything. I was comforted by listening to the sound of his heartbeat. He softly kissed my lips and said, "Goodnight, Kie."

"Goodnight, J.." I whispered back before I fell asleep

I was woken up the next day to a knock on my door. It was early and I was still half asleep as I tried to find clothes to put on. I opened the door and Cole was there.

"Surprise!" He said smiling as he hugged me

Holy shit. What on earth have I done? I just slept with JJ last night when I'm engaged to Cole. JJ was still asleep in my bed. 

"What are you doing here early? I thought you wouldn't be here until Monday."

"I got an early start. I've missed you..." 

"I've missed you too! Let me run upstairs and change quickly and then I have to take you to the beach to show you something. I'll be right back." I said 

I ran upstairs and shut and locked my bedroom door. When I looked at the bed, JJ was gone and so were his clothes. I saw the window was open. Shit.

I came back down dressed and Cole and I went to the Wreck for breakfast and then I showed Cole the country club and asked about the wedding location.

He spent the day with me at our house and he saw all the bloody gauze in the garbage. 

"What happened?" He asked

"Oh, I had some friends over last night and one of them cut his hand." I lied

"Damn, is he okay?"

"Yeah, he was fine, it was just really bloody."

We were going over to John B's and I introduced him to John B. Then Pope and Cleo showed up and we went through introductions again. I was praying that JJ didn't show up. 

Of course, he did. He took his normal spot across from me at the fire and didn't say a word. 

"JJ, do you not see that new guy in the group?" Cleo asked 

JJ looked up at Cole and said, "New member?"

"Well, I'm the fiance so they said I'm in." Cole stated

JJ's eyes locked with mine and then I looked down. I felt awful. I just felt physically dirty and gross. I cheated on Cole. I never ever meant for this to happen. Fuck.

JJ and Cole were shaking hands and doing some weird staredown between the two of them. Cole totally noticed his bruised and cut knuckles, bruised face, and everything else. The two separated and both of them were in a mood. 

Cole looked around and said, "Come on, Kiara. Let's go home to our fancy house."

I got up, not wanting to leave but I had to. We walked to his bright red Maserati sports car that cost over $100,000. I was sitting in the passenger seat and I looked back to the pogues having fun around the fire as Cole drove home.

"So that's the guy who you cleaned up last night."

"Yeah, it was nothing. Just a little fight." I said playing it off 

Five Years Later • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now