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Kiara's POV:

I have been graduated from college for a year now. I just finished my internship with a huge marine biology company in California. I was in my car that was packed full of all my belongings. I was going home, back to paradise on earth.

After days of driving, I finally pulled up to my parent's house. They ran outside to greet me.

I had just bought a house. It wasn't just a house, it was a kook house. I didn't realize how big it was. I was in shock as it was just me. My mom assured me that so would be married and able to fill it with lots of children.

They helped me unpack all my stuff and the next day we went furniture shopping. Three days later, John B and Sarah were coming over. I talked to Sarah almost every single day. She has some big business job and John B was a police officer and working his way up to Sherif.

Pope was in his second year of medical school. He was going to Yale and living there with Cleo. Yes, Pope and Cleo got together only three years ago.
Cleo kept busy and worked while Pope went to school.

That leaves JJ. JJ and I spent four months alone together on a surf trip. We went down from Florida and hit all the islands, Mexico, Costa Rica, and we made it to South America and back home. It was an epic adventure.

We got home and I left for college the next day. I went to college in California. I asked JJ to come with me but he said no. I haven't spoken to him since. I have no idea what he's up to or if he still lives in OBX.

We were sitting down in the kitchen just catching up and John B said, "Pope and Cleo get back tonight. We're having a bonfire just like old times. You in?"

"Hell yeah!" I said smiling

John B left to go buy food and beer for tonight. Sarah looked at me and asked, "So how's the Cali boy?"

I laughed and gave her a look. I met his guy named Cole in California and we dated for three years, well I mean technically we're still together, we're just engaged now. He was coming to OBX in a week. No one knew we were engaged yet except for Sarah because Cole used Sarah to plan the proposal. He had Sarah come visit so she could make sure my nails were done and all that.

"He's good and he'll be here in a week. So he can meet the rest of the pogues."

"That will be interesting, considering he's hella rich"

I laughed thinking about Cole living like a pogue. I had been going full kook when I was with him because that was his lifestyle. I missed the pogue lifestyle and it felt so good to be home.

We were at the Chateau and we were all drinking beer and setting up the fire. The sun had gone down and Pope and Cleo just showed up. I hugged them and then John B got them two beers. We were all sitting around the fire talking and then a dirt bike appeared. I knew it was JJ. He got off the bike and walked closer to the fire to where we could see him.

"Having a party without me?" He asked announcing himself

Pope and him did the handshake and JJ hugged Cleo and Sarah and did the guy hug with John B. He walked up to me and we hugged.

Our hug broke and he grabbed a beer and sat across the fire from me. I looked up and we made eye contact and then we both looked down. Things were awkward between us. We didn't end on a good note and we haven't talked in five years. No one but Sarah knew that JJ and I stopped speaking.

The conversation was kept casual and John B brought up the gold that we came to the realization we probably would never get. Rose and Wheezie came home and Ward and Rafe were still wherever the gold was.

It was getting late and Pope and Cleo left.

"Kie, do you want me to give you a ride home?" Sarah asked as she drove me over here

"I can take her.." JJ jumped in

Sarah looked at me and I gave her the look that said that was okay.

"Thanks, JJ." Sarah said

John B and Sarah were going in and JJ said he'd put the fire out. They were inside and I was alone with JJ.

"So how's life?" He asked making eye contact

"It's been busy. I'm happy to be back in OBX. What about you?"

"Life is the same old..." He replied

I didn't know what else to say to him. I hated how close we used to be and now we could barely speak. We put the fire out and JJ handed me the only helmet he had and he got on his bike. I got on the bike behind him and he looked back and asked, "You ready?"

"Yeah..." I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso

He drove to my parent's house and when he stopped I told him that I actually bought a house. I gave him directions and he stopped outside and I got off the bike and handed him the helmet.

"Thank you, JJ"

"No problem, when did you buy the kook house?" He asked

I could tell that he was annoyed.

"Do you wanna come in so we can talk?" I asked as I knew this was going to be a long conversation

"No, I get it.. Goodnight, Kiara." He said leaving

Damn. He called me Kiara. He never does that. I went inside and unpacked a few boxes and took a shower. I laid in my brand new king size bed and I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night long.

Five Years Later • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now