CHAPTER 9: Brother&Me!

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This place is really incredible right?! So many unexpected hidden mesmerizing places and a surprise free shopping! The last was the best part because a bunch of foods are waving on my mind. I was surprised for what happened I even left Luke outside of the Supermarket after saying THANK YOU! And quickly go. Well, he knows that I'm in a hurry! So that's okay. We went home loaded for free groceries! I think grandmas birthday are going to have a blast.....of food. Uncle frank also surprised for the free time shopping and he says, " what a coincidence! Did I not tell you guys that the owner of B&L Supermarket was also the Owner of Small Paradise?! Sometimes things happened in unexpected but this time seems incredible! " I can't imagine how things become so surprising.

Klaus family has a lot to offer when it comes to abundance of fresh goods and that's really amazing!
I forgot that grandmas birthday is on the next day! Wow she's turning 77. I need to start thinking what I should give as a gift on her birthday. I ask my mother about the possible things she likes as she grows old so that its easy for me to find something she might love as a present but for mother's explanations, its quite old fashioned. I think I need to think hardly for that.

" why did you ask me what to buy for her present? I thought you already asked your mother for that are you nuts? What the hell do I know what she possibly like?" I heard from talkative Ashley, actually I tried to gathered some suggestions because I really don't know what to give and I think that's the biggest problem.

" I want to go out somewhere but there's nobody I can go with. Mom is a li'l bit busy and my brother is a big NO! Can you come?" I said with a bit laugh. I know she can't do that because this place is too far away that she can't ever imagine. And I know that Ashley don't really like travelling distant places because she throws up a mom and she can't handle it.

" yes I love to do that but I need you to pick me up here idiot! Why try to ask Mr. Klaus to go with you? Haha!"

" Not funny anymore Ash. Sure he's busy right now with his very beautiful girlfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"What?! Who?! I mean who is the lucky girl?! Come on gurl say it! Say iiiit! Oh my god! This is a big revelations for me! Why'd you just tell me about that?!" My ears about to explode for his loud voice.

" would you stop screaming?! I heard all your questions okay? And I don't have an idea who's that girl, I just got someone on my mind but I'm not sure if I'm right." I said.

" what?! Are you kidding me?" disappointed sound. I imagine her face like about to cry just like how I ate her favorite food.

" just say who's the girl on your mind. I know you heard it right? Right?!" She added like an idiot.

" Why are you so interested for who might be his girl? You making me nervous!" I said while smiling.

" oh come on! You can't blame me for that! I just feel that way gurl haha! How are you then hearing about his girlfriend? Haha!" I know she tried to tease me. I imagine her face smiling so annoying.

" I'm okay! He's just my crush duh! Nothing to worry about how would I feel seeing his girlfriend and stop doing that its not working anymore." I sound so brave and heard her laughing.

" it's a waste! I started to love those lovely pictures of you two! I saw the sparks between you know..and just like that?! That's bulls***! I want to punch his face for that! Smiling so in love but having a girlfriend! What the hell?!"

" What are you talking about? I didn't see his eyes looking so in love jerk!" I laugh.

" you're idiot to not see that! Well that's considerable because you've never been in a relationship before. So boring. Sure you expect something on him right? Say it!"

IT IS SUMMER:THE VACATION (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now