Chapter Eleven

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A/N- I'm back!!!! Sorry it took longer then i needed i re read by story and noticed way to many grammer and spelling mistakes i'm so sorry for that it made me cringe a little haha i will fix those in due time but i'm way to lazy to do it. I do not edit my chapters before posting them i should but i'm not the best self writer. Anyways i'm back thanks for all of those you commented i didn't realized that many people actually enjoyed my story so far so thank you it put a smile on my face. Now enjoy the very long awaited chapter!!!!

Greyson's POV:

     Pulling up the club Alpha and Omega I couldn't help but become a little nervous. I have never been to this club before and really had no desire too. Who would have thought that a man spilling his drink on me would be the reason I first step into the club. I'm dressed in my usual club attire which consists of black leather pants which do have pockets, that aren't as skin tight as most prefer to wear, those make me uncomfortable and leave me feeling constructed. I also have my black combat boots on with a white shirt on that I will eventually come off later in the night. Parking my car in the very packed parking lot I turn my car off and get out. Shoving my hands into my pockets of my pants I stroll to the entrance of the club with ten minutes to spare.

     When I got to the door I noticed the man who was with Elijah at my club standing out side of it with the looks of seeking someone. If I was to make a wild guess I would say that would be me or maybe I am a little self absorbed. That doesn't seem to be the case this time as when the man sees me he wildly starts waving me down and doing a little hop between foot to foot. Everyone and I am everyone turned to look at where the man who appears to be a dom is waving at so childishly. Looking at the man I give him a tight lipped smile and flicked my wrist up to give him a settle wave back that I acknowledged him. Coming up on the man I stopped right infront of him who wore a huge smile.

     "Hey! I am here to greet you and direct you to Elijah who should be in his office if he stayed where he was the last time I saw him. Oh! My name is William by the way" the man that I know now is named William said with a smile still on his face. 

     "Hello William thank you for waiting for me and bringing my to Elijah I hope you weren't waiting long" I replied. Short and sweet to the point.

     We started walking into the club after I flashed my ID at the bouncer, good security that's always great to see at a club especially this type of club. Upon walking in music blurred into my ears and strobe lights were everywhere. This must have been the main club open for anyone because William strode right past it and into a hallway leading to another door hidden in the far back with another set of bouncers. once again flashing my ID to the bouncer William pushed open the door in a very dramatic way bowing to me saying "Welcome to club Alpha and Omega". stepping in front of him and leaving him a few steps behind I took in the club. Upon entrance straightahead is the dance floor which was packed with subs and Dom's dancing together or a group of subs grinding on each other as their doms watch from the sidelines giving them hungry gazes. To the right is where the bar is which is pretty well packed almost no stool or table left unseated. To my left I can tell is where the couches and the VIP area is sat though the VIP area is on a higher level with stairs leading up to it . The theme colours seem to be purple and black which is pretty unusual for this type of club most people have it as red and black or blue though I do have to admit the purple really does suit this place. I got a had to Elijah this is a really well established club and you can tell it is high security in a very safe place with the bouncer subtly in place watching with radios attached in case anything goes wrong or happens that need immediate attention or when someone gets too drunk and needs to be escorted out

     "If you would please follow me I will take you to see Elijah and from the looks of it he is still in his office because he is not in the VIP seating" William informed me after letting me take in the club. 

     "Pretty nice club huh. Elijah prides himself in everyone feeling welcome and safe here it's his number one priority" he explained to me as he lead me down another short hallway leading to a white door which stands out against the purple and black walls. 

     I didn't say anything back to that one being we already got to the door before I could reply and the other being I'm not quite sure how to respond to that I was and still am not good with small talk I find it awkward and unnecessary.

     "Well here we are I will leave you to at it but make sure you come say hi before the night is over and have a few drinks if your not driving. Have a good chat!" William cheerily says while lightly skipping away back down the hall before turning and heading back out. Turning to face the door again I bring my hand up and knock firmly three times. I hear some shuffling and papers moving around till a smaller figure opens the door a little winded.

     "Your early" is all Elijah said to me.

     "Yes I don't like to be late or be left waiting" I responded. His eyes widened a little bit probably not expecting such a answer.

     Clearing his throat with a fist to his mouth he invited me in and closed the door behind me. "Shall we start" he asked me while waking around his desk and sitting in the chair. Before answering him I went to the chair that was set up infront of his desk sitting down I crossed my leg over the other and rested my hands on my thighs.


Word count ~1187~

A/N- that's a wrap on this chapter!! Ah sorry it's shorter but i'm not use to writing not having been for a few months but they will get longer! Let me know your thoughts and comments and leave suggestions below i hope you enjoyed seeing Elijah, Greyson and we can't forget william again. I just love william he is such a kind and childish soul😫. 

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