Chapter Two

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Greyson's POV: (Greyson above)

        Dull. That is one word I would use to describe my life. It's the same thing every day, I wake up to go to my day job then come home to rest for a few hours if I'm lucky, then I am on my way to my club. Don't get me wrong I love my job of running and overseeing everything at my security company but it does take a toll on me, then also having to run my club though that's my favourite part of the day. At the club, I would mess around with a few subs but none I felt a connection with and I have tried so hard to find it in each one but nothing. I want to find a sub who I can collar and share a connection with not just a for a night. It gets exhausting. So far nothing, I feel nothing and my friends are starting to notice my lack of interest in messing around with subs anymore. A few of my friends tried to bring in other subs they know from different clubs and are pretty good friends with just to see if I would take a liking to them, but no dead-end every time.  

       Right now I'm in my office at the club going over some membership requests and what Dom's are requesting to have in their own playrooms. Sighing I look over to my clock hanging on my wall seeing it's 11:30 pm, I have been in here since the club had opened which was 9 pm. Leaning back into my chair I fold my hands in front of my chest. Hearing a knock on my door I yell for them to come in.

       "What's wrong mate you have been held up in here for hours, it's so boring out there without you" Chris my best friend pouts. 

Raising a brow I sit up straight realizing I was slightly slouching after doing hours of paperwork. I put the files I was looking over into a neatly stacked pile while replying to Chris. 

"Is that so, well I'm sorry but I have work I need to get done in here that I have neglected for a few days and it's piling up" I sigh while rubbing my forehead. Chris makes his way onto the chair that sits in front of my desk and plants his butt onto it.

     "You know, my friend William said that next week he is bringing some friends here. One of them just happens to be a single sub" Chris tells me while wiggling his eyebrows. Frowning at his facial expression he sees what I'm thinking. "Come on mate you never know he might be the one and apparently he is the owner of Alpha and Omega" he states. 

    My eyes widen in shock. A sub running a BDSM club is very uncommon, and I'm not judging but I can't say I'm not surprised to hear this. "Hmm that is quite interesting if I'm being honest, but I am done looking for a long-term sub, if I happen to meet someone by chance then so be it. I am not going to force something to happen and regret it. I am just destined to be alone forever maybe I should start adopting cats" I say with a teasing espression. Chris looks at me with an annoyed and unimpressed expression. 

     "With that attitude maybe you should, I mean come on mate you never know I searched him up and he is a cutie," Chris practically sings to me while smirking. Thinking about it I kind of am intrigued to meet this young man and see what he is like. There's something about a sub running a kink club that interests me. Looking back up to Chris I see the excitement in his face. 

    "Geez, you seem more excited about the idea of finding me a long-term sub than I do" I chuckle at my friend. 

    "Of course! I don't want you to be lonely anymore Grey. It makes me sad seeing you like this, you used to be full of energy and laughter. Now you are rather scary to approach". Frowning at what my mate, I thought about what he said. I didn't even realize people were afraid to approach me, or that I wasn't still the same guy as before. I guess that's not the case.

    "But I do have to tell you Greyson, from what Will told me he doesn't seem to like Master Dom's and tends to stay far from them. Hence why he built and owns his own club so he doesn't have to deal with them" Chris informs me. 

     That's strange I wonder if something happened with a past one, maybe a punishment gone too far? But that shouldn't have cause that great of a fear of them. Would that mean he wouldn't come near me? Hmm, should I tell people to not tell him and see what happens? Then again if he found out I am lying that's just going to be a bigger problem. Wait hold up why do I even care I don't even know this young man, christ sakes I don't even know his name. Why am I acting like this?

     Chris had seemed to notice that I wasn't going to say anything more so he got up from the chair and left my office leaving me to my thoughts. Well, one thing is for sure I have a feeling that something is going to happen the night he shows his face here in this club I just can't tell if it's going to be a good thing or a bad thing. I'm hoping it's for the better. It's going to be interesting that's all I can tell. 

A.N- What do you think of Greyson so far? His character is going to be more developed later on and get to know his past. As always let me know what you think! Hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

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