Chapter Three

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Elijah's POV:

      Waking up has to be my least favorite thing that happens in my day. I never will understand how people can be all cheery in the mornings, like  for the love of god you just woke up! I personally would love to stay in bed all day and sleep but sadly I am unable to do so. I ended up laying in bed for maybe around an hour before finally deciding to get out of my bed. 

      "Hmmm what to eat, maybe some fried eggs and toast? No, I had that for two days in a row now" I whisper to myself. Ugh, cereal it is then. After making my cereal I go and grab my pills to take with my breakfast otherwise it can make me sick if I don't take it with food. Tried that once and let me tell you never again. While I was eating my breakfast my mind started to drift over to tonight, I won't lie and say I'm not shaking with nerves about heading to a different club. This week as gone by faster then normal, I tried to keep myself busy with the club but I couldn't stop but to be anxious about tonight. What if I run into the Head Dom, though that is bound to happen right? I can't go into his club and expect not to see him. This knowledge did not help me with my nerves one bit. My god, I might just fall to the ground dead and hope he would overlook the dead body lying down in the middle of his club. Hopefully, Will and Robin will keep me away from him so I won't be a cause of a big scene. I could not tell you how my body or mind would react and that is the last thing I need. Talk about embarrassing and I really rather not have any flashbacks again I've been doing really well lately I don't want to trigger one.

     Sitting at my counter I look around my newly decorated kitchen I can't help but feel giddy about how it looks. I have plants everywhere in my apartment but a little less in the kitchen so I can cook properly. I went for an earthy vibe throughout my living space, with white and green walls it was quite easy. I'm quite proud of myself if I do say so myself.

    Bringing the spoon to my mouth my phone starts dinging to my left. Without moving my head I glance over to it and see I have a new message from Robin. Putting the spoon down after shoving it in my mouth I pick up my phone to see Robin telling me something came up and doesn't think he will be able to make it tonight. My whole body tenses as I reread the text to make sure I was seeing right and of course it was still the same message sent as when I first read it over. No no no this can't be happening!

    "Are you fucking kidding! That's just great isn't it and how convent for me" yelling at my phone as if it was its fault. Sighing I put my phone down and walk into my living room flopping down onto the couch, screaming into the cushions. I need to come up with a plan to get out of this tonight. I mean I could always cancel and say I'm sick but Will would never fall for that. Why did this have to happen to me of all people. I guess I just have to push through it, ya that's it I'm a strong independent man and I got this!

Fast forward to standing outside the club...

     "Fuck I don't got this! I'm going to puke oh my god why didn't I just cancel on you William"

     He just looked at me with a smug look and oh what I would do just so I can smack him upside his head! 

    "Just relax Elijah you're going to be fine and I will be with you the whole time so chill out and you might be surprised at how much fun you will have," He said while looking around to find his friend so we don't have to wait in the long-ass line. "Ah, there he is come on now get your sexy ass moving".

    Grumbling I walk behind him trying very hard not to trip him from behind so he face plants in front of all these people. When he stops I peek around him to find a very well-built man pull Will into one of those bro hugs that never make sense to me. Like why don't you just hug normally either hug or fist bump. I swear people like to make things more complicated than needed. A nudge in my side brought me out of my thoughts and the first thing my dumbass did was slap that bitch because I really loath when people nudge any part of me, be a normal person and scream my name it's not that hard. 

    Williams's head didn't even move to the side and he didn't even flinch which makes sense because he is used to me bitch slapping him, don't ask why. 

Oh my god, I forgot where we were for an second and peeked up towards the very handsome stranger to see him looking wide-eyed but slowly it turned into a smirk. What the hell is this man's problem I thought to myself. Huffing I stood there with a glare because we aren't in the club yet so ha. But damn is this man sexy with slightly pale skin and golden hair that came down close to his shoulders. He looks like a Greek god!

"Sorry he has a bit of an attitude and likes to bitch slap people mainly me also he spaces out a lot just ignore him," William said casually to the handsome man as if that could make things any better and didn't just insult me. How rude!

   "That's alright mate we all have our moments" the handsome man said with a chuckle. "Anyways follow me and I'll show you around and you guys can sit in the VIP seating if you want to tonight and oh wait crap I'm sorry I didn't even introduce myself to you yet. Well, I'm Chris born and raised in England if you couldn't tell by my accent feel free to ask any questions you have and I will answer them" He states cheerfully. 

   "Thank you Master Chris I will let you know if I have any questions" I calmly and gently said while keeping my eyes downcasted since we are now in the club. Even though I'm shaking in my boots about being here. I miss my club already, I can be who I am there without any judgment and worry about a Head Dom. God, I really hope he doesn't take us to the big man. While lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I kept walking forward even though Master Chris and William were yelling for me to stop and watch out. Did I? Noo that would be too easy wouldn't it. Guess who I ended up running into while also spilling their drink all over them up? You guessed right the one person I hoped to never face while my night here.

 The Head Dom himself. I only know this fact because I spent all day googling this man and stumbled upon a few photos of him. Not that I was looking of course.  

I stumbled back and an arm caught my elbow stabilizing me before I could fall flat on my ass. With a quick look back with wide eyes I saw it was William. Whipping my head back around to the man I rudely ran into because I was stupid enough to get lost in my thoughts. I started shaking at the scene just caused. He was even more gorgeous in person those photos did not due him enough justice. His body was ripped head to toe and you could see his leg muscles through this tight leather pants. He wore no shirt so I could see every detail on this mans chest and abs. Oh my god he even has a delicious V line disappearing into his pants. I was seriously deciding if I should play dead because when I finally looked up into his eyes he did not look impressed in the slightest and he had a scowl on his handsome face.

   Well shit, what am I going to do now.... the one thing I could only think about

I bolted out of the club swerving through the mass of people that gathered around, with William yelling after me. 

A.N- Hey, this chapter was a bit longer than my past two hope you enjoyed it. As always let me know what I can do to make it better. Is the plot going too fast and would you like more detail? Let me know thank you for reading! The characters are still in development and you will see that later on in the story. Thanks again :)

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