Chapter Four

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Greyson's POV: Above is what the sign to the club looks like (I don't own this photo just using it as a reference)

    Today started off really great! Note the sarcasm. First off my alarm didn't go off and I was really late to an important meeting I worked so hard to set up. Then I didn't even get a chance to eat lunch because I was trying to find a way to make it up with them for being late. Oh, and I got a text from one of my ex subs who won't leave me alone and to be honest I'm really thinking of getting a restraining order. So yes my day has just been so fantastic. 

    "Ding Ding" my phone went off causing me to look up from where my head was planted between my hands on my desk in the office. It was a message from Chris, what the hell does he want now! He has been bothering me all morning. Sighing I looked over to see he was reminding me of his friend coming to the club this evening with that sub he told me about. Shit! I can't believe I forgot that was today, but in all fairness, it hasn't been a good day. Maybe my day won't turn to complete shit with what the evening brings. But sadly it's only 2:47 pm which means I'm stuck at work for another two hours and a shit ton of work to do yet. 

    Bringing my forehead down to rest on the edge of my desk I think over how I should approach the boy since he clearly will try his best to avoid me. I always like to introduce myself to new faces and friends of my friends. It was just something I did so they felt welcome so I could only hope that he would let me and then I will be out of his hair for the rest of the time he remained in my club this evening. I need to take into account what Chris said about him being skittish of people in my position. The last thing I want to do is scare the poor boy. 

I could always go up to introduce myself to Chris's friend and just happen to see the boy and try a conversation. No, that probably won't work because he might have his friend watch out for him in case they see me. Hopefully Chris will inform both that I like to personally introduce myself to new guests but knowing him he will most likely forget.

This is going to be harder than I thought. Wait a minute screw this why am I trying so hard he won't even want to be near me as well seeing I'm the owner. Maybe I'll make an exception and not introduce myself tonight and just let him enjoy his visit. This is seriously messing with my head I can already feel a headache coming on. I need to stop obsessing over this this isn't me I don't think over plans on how to get a sub to talk to me! They approach me!

Sitting up in my chair I decided to get back to work so I won't have to come into work even earlier the next day to get this paperwork done. Why did I choose to take over my father's business again? Oh I know he forced me too. 

A/N- I'm sorry this chapter is really really short but I'm really busy at the moment but thought I should put something up next chapter will be a continuation of this so it will still be Greyson's POV. Thanks again for reading until next time!

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