Chapter Eight

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A/N- Hey guys sorry it took so long for an update I have had just a lot of things going on at the moment but here is an update for yall!

Elijah's POV:

     He won't leave my apartment, he refuses because he's scared I'll freak out again. I can understand I did in the beginning but now it's just plain annoying I want him to go home. 

    "Hey, Eli do you need anything while I'm out I need to run some places I can bring something back for you if you'd like?" Will asked while sitting on the arm of my chair putting his boots on.

     "For you not to come back" I mumbled, but of course, he hears and gives me a disapproving look. Looking back down at my lap I start to play with my fingers waiting for him to leave, the sooner he leaves the sooner I can go get my coffee from my favorite coffee shop a block away. He's been getting me my coffee every day for the past week I need to get out of my place before I go insane. 

     Will sighed as he stepped out of the door, I waited exactly ten minutes before I started to grab my coat and put on my boots. After making sure I locked my apartment I strolled to the elevator. Coming into the main lobby area I nodded to the front desk person I think her name is Shelly but to be honest I don't even remember. Stepping outside I take a huge breath of fresh air it felt so good to be outside after a week. To see all the people rushing around and driving by to where ever they needed to be. Perhaps a loved one, their job, or even to a job interview they're late for because they took too long getting ready while freaking out. Starting my walk to the coffee place is a relaxing routine I picked up the many years I've lived in this area. 

     One block comes quicker than hoping and I'm standing in front of the doors, inside I see my friend Rusty behind the center taking orders and making drinks. It seems like forever since I last talked to him. Opening the door and walking in Rusty looks up from making a drink since he heard the bell jingle attached to the large door, and a big smile install took place on his face. 

     "Elijah here I was thinking you got sick of me and my amazing coffee skills" Rusty greeted me while softly laughing.

     "Nah I could never you make it just how I like it, life has just been so crazy lately that I haven't had time to come in" I replied while walking to the counter. 

     "Well I'm glad you came in today and I'm sure you want your usual?" Rusty asked while glancing up from the screen where he is putting my order in. Nodding my head I pay for what I owe and walk over to the end of the counter where I wait for my drink. Rusty came over and set it down while shouting over his shoulder he's taking his fifteen. 

     Rusty and I walk over to a table in the corner of the small coffee shop like we did every time I came in. "So, tell what's new fill me in," he said while smiling. Man, I have missed this kid.

     "Well went to a new club my friend dragged me to it wasn't too bad at first but something happened and I had to leave," I told him while taking a sip of my iced coffee. 

     "Shit what happened someone tried to hit on you?" 

     "Not exactly..." I have never told him about my lifestyle and I would like to keep it that way.

     Just as he was about to respond another customer walked through the doors that got him distracted and since I was sitting away from the door I turned and look over my shoulder to see what has caught my friend's attention.  I swear my heart stopped right at that moment, my breathing starts to pick up. What is he doing here I've never seen him come in here before shit. 

     Quickly turning around and slouching down I hoped he wouldn't look over here. Okay Elijah just calm down it's okay he can't o anything here. 

     "Holy shit he is fucking beautiful, Elijah look at that man that just walked in," Rusty told me while still staring at Greyson. 

     Okay just play it cool Eli you got this. Looking up at Rusty I said "Oh uh yeah I guess you have never seen him before", I need to make sure.

     "No, never I hope he becomes a regular so I have something nice to look at once in a while," He says dreamly "I'm going to call him over".

Shit no no no Rusty don't do that. "Haha he probably won't want to sit with us Rusty and he might be in a hurry let's not bother the man," I say trying not to show my nerves. 

     Of course, he doesn't listen to me and shouts at the man while waving his arm to come and sit with us. Greyson looked startled for a second before he regained his natural expression. Grabbing his coffee off the counter that was just placed after they finished making it he started to walk on over. 

    I should have listed to Will I should have listened to Will I should have lis-. 

    "Hey uh what's up do you need something" Greyson looked confused about why he was called over and that made two of us.

     "Nah just wanted to ask if you wanted to sit with us and drink your coffee unless you were in a rush," Rusty asked. 

     "Oh sure thanks that would be nice I'm Greyson and you are-"

     "Rusty and my friend over here is Elijah" Rusty introduced.

     Greyson looked over at me after pulling his chair out from beside Rusty. His face was full of shock and happiness flashed through his eyes for a moment. I could probably tell you mine looks like I'm about to throw up and cry definitely cry. There was no denying it he remembers me from that Friday night. 

     I'm fucked.

A/N- Don't forget to like and comment thank you!

~1060 word count~

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