Chapter Nine

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Greyson's POV:

     Walking down the streets with my hands in my pockets, I looked around at all the hustling of people trying to get to work while whistling to myself. I was on my way to a new coffee shop that I have never tried before but my PA told me about it and how it was her absolute favourite. she never shut up about it so I thought I'd give it a shot and see if it was as good as she said it is. Apparently it's a cute little corner coffee shop that a lot of college students go to to study or do their notes it's a quiet reserved place. Which sounds absolutely amazing right now with everything going on in my mind I just needed a breather some the same places I go to. 

     Going around the corner I came up to the door to enter the shop. Upon walking in I noticed that there wasn't very many people in the Coffee shop no line either which was fantastic since I hate waiting in lines they take forever and I have no patience for that. As I got up to the counter the barista looked up and offered me a friendly smile asking what they could get me.

     "i'll try a caramel macchiato please with extra caramel drizzle and an extra shot of espresso please" I kindly asked the barista.

     "of course anything else I could get you" they asked me while typing in my order on the screen. After I said no thank you they told me my order was 4.25$. I gave The barista exact change and waited off to the side for my drink. Upon getting it I quickly saw out of the corner of my eye someone waving me down and calling over at first I thought it was somebody that knew me and I instantly felt awful because I did not recognize them. Then it came to my realization That in fact I do not know this person so I was a little confused why they were calling me over but I'll ask I want anyways because I had nothing else to do or anywhere to be since I took today off of work.

     It was two men sitting at a table in the corner of the shop The man facing me was the one calling me over I had no idea who the other person was sitting in across from them were. Making my way over I asked "Hey uh what's up do you need something"?

     "Nah just wanted to ask if you wanted to sit with us and drink your coffee unless you were in a rush," the man asked.

"Oh sure thanks that would be nice I'm Greyson and you are-" I replied and grabbed a chair and sat beside the person who called me over and Interrupting me introducing themselves as Rusty. that's an interesting name not something here every day. Then introduced the person infront of him as Elijah. Wait no it's not him I need to stop thinking that everyone or anyone with the same name is him.

     Looking over to the other smaller man getting ready to greet him i'm stunned into silence it is him and he's right in front of me. to say I'm shocked would be an understatement and the excitement is almost unbearable I found him and he's sitting right in front of me thank God to my PA sending a little things to her mentally for telling me about this coffee shop when she did otherwise I don't think I would've met him here right now. looking at his face I could Cooley tell he is just as shocked and what it seems scared to see me. Well shit I don't want to be scared how do I even go about this because I doubt Rusty over here knows anything fuck I need to think this through maybe if I just go on acting like I've never seen him before no because his nervousness if  he talks will give it away fuck I'm over thinking this. 

     just as I'm about to greet him he abruptly stands up pushing his hands against the table and his seat flying backwards from how fast he got up he gave a weak smile to Rusty. "i'm sorry to cut the short but I am running late I really need to go it was nice seeing you again Rusty I will come again soon excuse me up Grayson bye" he stuttered through his sentence. next thing I knew he was out the door from the jingle on the entrance. rusty just sat there confused and laughed nervously and glanced at me and said "Ah i'm sorry he's not usually like that and something must be off today ha ha".

     "It's so worries we all have those days" I replied to the man beside me. That made him release a breath of air I didn't realize he was holding.

     "So sorry to cut the short rusty but I don't I do need to head on my way have a nice rest of your shift as I'm assuming you work here because of the apron" I offered him. I need to get out of here to catch up to Elijah I need to talk to him and make him understand or at least get him to talk to me. 

"Yeah no worries and yes i do work here haha thank you have a great rest of your day Greyson hope to see you become a new regular here and don't forget your coffee" and with that he was up and off to the back room. 

     Grabbing my coffee I practically sprinted out of building and try to catch site of Elijah. spotting him about a block ahead it seem like he was trying to walk very fast as if he knew I would be right out the door behind him. pushing my way through people while apologizing I quickly caught up to him and grabbed onto his wrist might've not been the smartest choice but I don't know what else to do. 

     "hey wait please can we just talk" I asked while catching my breath. Geez I shouldn't be this out of breath. 

     Not turning to look at me he grabbed my hand and roughly pulled it off of his wrist. "i'm sorry can we not do this right now I have somewhere to be sir and frankly I don't know what there is that you could say" he told me.

     "At least let me explain some other time then. Here i'll give you my phone number please use it I'd love to get to know you and about your club your quite famous in the community haha" I asked of him because I didn't know what else to say at this point if he isn't willing to sit down and talk to me for a few minutes today at least this gives me the option too. I don't want to overwhelm him right now and I know he feels some sort of attraction to me he's just fighting with himself on why. He looked down at the card I gave him it's my business card it's all I have on me at the moment but it does have my personal phone number on it. With a shaky breath he gave me a quick glance at me and took off again leaving me standing there watching him go. I could only hope he would call me because for now I leave it up to him. I cant force something he doesn't want I will just put my faith in hoping he will let me help him overcome what is holding him back because I truly believe I can be the one. Until next time Elijah stay safe in this cruel world my love. 

A/N - and that's a wrap on this episode I am so sorry it took this long to come out as I said before a lot has been going on I have been working a lot in school has been insane right now I found time tonight to work on it and I uploaded it not my proudest chapter but I wanted to get something out for you guys I am still hoping I could write longer chapters unless you guys think this is an OK length as usual let me know your thoughts and any suggestions you guys may have I want you to enjoy the story as much as I enjoy to write it when I have time  I will try to upload more frequently but sadly I cannot make any promises that there will be a chapter every week I'll try to upload one once every two weeks until things slow down hope you enjoy this chapter have a good day or night love you ❤️

Word count~1487

Word count~1487

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