Chapter Five

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Greyson's POV: (The picture is who I imagine as William)

    Only an hour till the club opens, I made it members only with the exception of Chris's friend and the sub. I really need to put a name to him so I can stop calling him "sub" or "boy". 

    From my bag across my office, I hear my phone ringing, lazily getting up I make my way over to the annoying ringing to see Chris is calling me, again.

   "What do you want this time I'm actually busy, unlike someone who seems to make it their life mission to bother me!" I half yell into my phone.

    "Woah mate did I interrupt your gazillion cat adoption since that's what you told me you were going to do since you so hell-bent on the negativity of being alone for the rest of your life."

    "Yes, you did I already chose ten cats I want already" I reply sarcastically. 

    "Wait! You're actually doing it! What are you naming them! Please you gotta tell me!"

    "Oh Chris my darling friend of course I'll tell you! I'm naming them after all the things I feel about you for example cat number one is named annoying, cat two is named slow, three is named childi-"

    "Screw you Grey I thought you were damn serious I was excited to be an uncle" Chris whined into the phone. Sometimes I wonder how he's a Dominant.

    "You love me Chris shut up you wouldn't know what to do with yourself if I wasn't around" I laughed. "Anyway, why'd you call" I questioned my mate.

    "I just wanted to give you a heads up that my friend and the very sexy cute adorable sweet shy darl-"

    "Jesus man get to the point" I laugh at him. It seems like the little sub has an admirer. God help this poor soul from Chris. 

    "Sorry sorry uh what was I saying? Oh! Yes, they will be arriving around 10:30 pm" Chris informs me.

    "Alright thanks for telling me I'll let the security know"

    "Alrighty mate see you soon byeee," Chris says cheerfully. He hangs up without leaving me a chance to say anything more. He does this all the time even though he knows I hate it and I've told him time and time again. 

    Sitting back down in my chair I log into my email and see fifty I have yet to read to what there about. God this is like my day job all over again I can't seem to catch a break today, I just hope I can get out of here tonight and meet this young man. By that I mean stand off in the distance like a stalker and see what he's like. 

Damn Chris and getting my hopes up even though there is no way I'm going to be able to talk to him with this fear of Master doms. Answering some emails I get a call saying Chris's friends showed up. Fuck I got so lost in work I didn't even check to see how things are going when the club opened, well with not getting any calls I assumed it went smoothly or someone is losing their job tonight. I don't have time today with people who can't do their jobs correctly.  

    With finishing up my last email I decided to get a drink and wonder around for a bit. Walking down into the main area I spot a young boy sitting at the bar which to looks like he is giving my bartender a hard time for not serving him. He isn't even a member and I know that for a fact because I made sure to memorize everyone single member I got. How the hell did he get in for fuck sake, I don't have time for this. He's really dumb if he thinks he can pass as twenty-one in here. Taking my time going over there I stop right behind the boy and lean down into his right ear saying "aren't you a little young to drink boy". 

    The boy just froze  and stopped his yapping then turned his head to look at me and his eyes quickly turned to have a graze of lust in them. Gross, first off I really doubt he knows what type of club he walked into, and secondly, he's a minor.

    "Hello sexy and I'm twenty-one for your information but this dumb bartender isn't serving me" the boy hissed at my lovely bartender who has in fact been working for me for years and she's one of my best workers. Poor girl seems stressed about this situation and unsure of how to handle it more. I'll have to get her dom after this in hopes he can help her feel clam again.

I ended up napping out of my thoughts when I head this mannerless boy yell once again at my worker.

"I want to talk to your boss!" he yells at her.

    Laughing I turn his stool around so his whole body faces me and get in his face while holding my hand out for his ID to be handed to me by my bartender. 

"I am the owner of this fine establishment and I would watch the way you talk to me and my employees and in fact she is correct you are under twenty-one" I informed this boy while taking a glance at his ID. "

Don't try and tell her how to do her job either or we will have bigger problems. Get out of my club or I will personally throw you out and just so you know you will not enjoy it" I told the boy while smirking lowering my voice at my few last words. I watched him pale while I was talking. Taking his ID in both hands I snapped it in half and threw it at the boy in front of me. He got up without a second thought and ran which looks like as fast as he can out the doors. Good. 

My bartender handed me a much-needed drink while thanking me profusely. I took the drink and thanked her. Turning around ready to do my rounds and already deeply annoyed having my day just getting worse, someone ran straight into me spilling my drink all over my upper half. I closed my eyes trying not to just scream at the person, I open my eyes with a glare on my face to look down and see a sub I've never seen here. 

Just as it clicked in that it was the sub that Chris was telling me about he already looked ready to bolt. Shit and of course I was glaring at him just fantastic. 

    Not even before I can get a word out he did in fact bolted right out of my club with who I'm assuming was William yelling after him. Chris had been standing slightly behind them and was now shaking his head at the ground. 

    This is not how planned my night to go, but I do have to say what Chris said about the boy being attractive was an understatement. He was breathtaking and for some reason every part of me is screaming to wrap him up in a blanket and never let him out of my sight. He will be mine. He is the one I have been waiting for but of course it was never going to be easy.  Now just how to get him to give me a chance now that will be the challenge itself. 

A/N- Hello welcome back sorry it took a bit to upload I had many ways I wanted this chapter to go but went with this one hope you liked it! 

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