Chapter Seven

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Greyson's POV:

Chris above <3

One week passed...

     Since I found out the boy's name I couldn't get him out of my head. Elijah. Fuck it's such a gorgeous name.

     A week has passed since the scene in my club and he consumes my every thought that it's making it hard to do any work. You could tell too that I have been distracted since last Friday and it's getting very irritating.

     I didn't even get a chance to say anything to the boy before he ran out with William chasing after him. Chris came up to me putting a hand on my shoulder breaking my eyes away from the door. Turning to look at my friend with shocked eyes he smiles sympathetically. Gritting my teeth I shove his hand off my shoulder, and glare at everyone staring in my direction after what just happened, making them continue on with what they were doing before like nothing ever happened. Some were shocked because no one runs away from me, but well there's always a first to everything. 

     Stocking into my playroom I go to slam the door shut only for it to be blocked by Chris barging his way in. Not giving one shit I start to rip off my leather pants with a grunt, but couldn't get them down past my mid-thigh. I started to tug harder only making it harder to get them off building onto my already present anger. I ran my hands through my hair frustrated while pulling on the ends, and as much as I could I walked into the bathroom connected to the room. Chris followed slightly weary behind me not wanting to get the heat of my emotions. 

     Looking up into the mirror I noticed that I had streams of tears running down my cheeks. Roughly wiping them away I slammed my hands on the sink counter making Chris flinch slightly.

     "Uhh, Greyson are you alright? What's going on?" Chris asked nervously. 

     Turning around and looking into his concerned but understanding eyes made the anger fade away. I didn't need him to be concerned I don't even know why I'm so angry with what happened it's not like I know the boy. 

     "Ya I'm fine I don't know what's gotten into me" I sighed and looked down ashamed. He shouldn't see me like this. It's pathetic, I'm pathetic and I shouldn't be acting like this my mother would be disappointed in me again.

    Chris walked up slowly to me and reached out his hands in a slow manner showing he was just going to help me. He grabbed a towel and turned the sink on reaching behind to wet it with lukewarm water. Ringing it out he brought it to my face and lightly dabbed my face. After he was done with that he gently took my arms into his hands and brought me to the bed that sat in the middle of the room. Chris then grabbed the top of my pants and started taking them off of my legs that were still sitting in the middle of my thigh bunched up. Getting them off of me he walked them over to the dresser by the bathroom door silently not wanting to disturb the comfortable silence between us and grabbed a pair of black sweatpants while putting my leathers away. Not having the energy to stay sitting anymore I laid back on the bed staring at the black ceiling.

     Walking back over to me he pulled up the sweatpants as well as tapped my thighs lightly signaling to lift them so he could pull them the rest of the way up. When he was done with that he got up and sat by my head pulling it onto his lap. Usually, I would tell him to fuck off and stop treating me as someone weak.  Looking up at Chris I see he was already watching me. (A/N-I promise his view changes later on but this is how he was taught as a sign of weakness don't be mad at my poor baby please)

      "Elijah" is all he said to me.

     Looking at him confused for a few seconds till I realized he was telling me the name of the sub. "That's a beautiful name," I said softly.

     Chris looked at me with softening eyes. He started to run his fingers through my hair relaxing me even further. 

     "Chris I don't know what to do Elijah. He is breathtakingly beautiful I just wished he would have let me say something without just running away. Something about him makes me want to get to know every part of him, his fears, desires, dreams, and want to help make them happen or to take away his fears. I'm uh I..." I said in a soft tone trailing off.

     "Your scared" is all he said to me. Looking away I could feel the hot tears gathering in my eyes.

     "Chris why do I feel like this I don't even know him but I want him so bad, but the last time I wanted someone so badly I ended up getting hurt and losing people I really care about along the way" I mumbled sadly refusing to meet his eyes not wanting to witness the pity. 

     He continued to run his fingers through my hair while saying "Grey not everyone is going to be like them, what they put you through isn't something I would wish on my worst enemy. You helped them through when they came out as non-binary to their family and friends. You even let them stay at your house and move in with you when their parents kicked them out. But also you came out of that, even more, stronger and I truly believe you need to give this a shot. Obviously, he has his own demons to work through but I do think you guys could help each other grow from your pasts."

     Looking up at Chris I knew he was right my fear is clouding my judgment and it's horrible of me to think this angle is anything like them. Wanting to change the subject because I'm not used to talking this deep I said: "wow Chris who knew you were so good at giving advice here I thought you just had a body of an adult".

     That brought out a loud laugh from him and soon I was joining in. That's how I knew that everything would be alright and I have to let fate take this into its own hands.

      "Sir it's time for your two o'clock meeting, they're waiting in the board room for you" my assistant informed me. Looking up from my desk I shake my head to get rid of last Friday to clear my head for this meeting.

     "Thank you Cassy I'll be right there" with that she turned and left my office. Standing up I turn to face the window behind my desk looking out. Just wait Elijah soon you will be in my arms and I will help you carry the burdens of your demons kissing them away. Just wait a little longer my angel.  

A/N- That's a wrap for this chapter it's longer than my others I'm impressed with myself for writing this much I will try to get them longer as well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know it's moving in a slow way but just wait it's coming up where they meet again. Also, let me know if you want more dialogue in the chapters as well. Have a good day or night :)

Word count~ 1269

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