The easiest solutions the better

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Their relationship had lasted 10 years, they saw each other once a month, they stayed friends, they loved each other with each passing day, talked about their day and walked to relax the problems of the day away.

A late afternoon Kate was walking to the coffeehouse to meat John, a man came up to her and ask for money that he had washed her car, she had 20 dollars on her coat pocket and paid him.

John saw her from the window, he got up, Kate saw that he got up and said,

I was paying him, he said he washed my car.


John help Kate with her chair and coat, she sat down and continued the conversation,

-he really doesn't wash my car, I try to avoid problems, specially at my work place, he does that once in a while with Mary and me.

We are only 2 women in the building Mary an accountant and me, if there's a problem in the building for instance last week, whenever outside or inside building workers get mad, they go directly to me or Mary, they never go and yell their problems at the men in the building

I just listen to them and tell them, that I will see what I can do.

There are things that you learn to cope with, but you know John, some problems seem to bother me less now that I'm older, it's very irritating when your young, when your older you don't fixate in some problems ither there are not as important anymore or you get accustom to the situation, or you just take it, so a problem doesn't get bigger or out of control.

Also, when you get older you realize that men have other types of problems to deal with, I notice stress in their faces, that they also just bear it.

In this life everyone under the sun has problems so the less fixated you get on your own problems and the simplest easiest solutions the better.

-yes, your right Kate, that's a very healthy way to think, less complicated, no matter the situation, we need to make decisions to make our life easier not harder, need to see for our health and happiness. 

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