After their vacation

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After their vacation everything was better, a better understanding, without talking it wasn't necessary, they knew how it felt if they never saw each other again, going on that vacation solidify what they wanted, never to stop seeing each other, to keep their relationship going like friends, but it really became like an old married couple, they communicated everyday as before but they saw each other once a month, nothing planned, sometimes they went to a museum, to a movie, mostly just in her office to talk and have coffee or on the corner coffeehouse, or both.

The conversations in her office were better because, on the coffeehouse you could always hear murmurs of other people's conversation, there was always noise on the background, in her office it was more comfortable, quieter, they talked about their family, believes, when they were growing up, their careers, and before leaving, once in a while like once or twice a year, depending on how nice the conversation became, smiling she sneak up a comment like,

-let's just get married John, don't think about it, let's just do it.

John answered with a smile and a mmmhhhmmmhh...gentle sigh throat noise, that was always his response when she said this, usually when they stood up and they were getting their coats before leaving, she said it in a way not to be serious, she just wanted it out there, to say it aloud, so he could hear it, and know what she was out there, without the seriousness of being uncomfortable.

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